Compare the ways in which extremist Islamist organizations (choose either al Qaeda or ISIS) invoke Islam to the ways in which white supremacist organizations (choose either the KKK in the 1920s or the Christian Identity movement) invoke Christianity to justify their actions. How similar are they?

Description The essay portion of Exam #3 gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills you’ve developed in stating and defending an argument, using class materials, through the Discussion Board assignments. Choose one of the questions below and write an essay using course materials to support your argument. The rubric I will use to evaluate […]

Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts.

The final paper is designed to for you to demonstrate your skills of the course outcomes: Analyze theories of war. Describe the U.S. military strategy and evolution. Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts. Research and write a paper that uses audience-appropriate content, is well-organized, and correctly […]

Discuss What three things in particular does Steven Pinker discuss in his TedTalk that help you understand that violence has indeed decreased throughout history? How does this make you feel, overall, about the “problem of violence”?

What three things in particular does Steven Pinker discuss in his TedTalk that help you understand that violence has indeed decreased throughout history? How does this make you feel, overall, about the “problem of violence”? 4 11/1 NB, 4 What do you think of the ideas David R. Dow presents in his TedTalk? Explain.  The […]

Create your own personal comprehensive definition of terrorism. Identify the key criteria inherent in your personal definition, and explain their importance.

Summarize, with citations, at least four different definitions of terrorism. The definitions must come from sources such as: U.S. government agencies (such as FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOD, DHS, DOS, DIA, NSA). International agencies or foreign governments (such as United Nations, England, Israel). Terrorism experts (such as Bruce Hoffman, Walter Laqueur, Brian Jenkins, Paul Pillar). Compare […]

Why does so-called Terrorist from around the planet want to bring down America and our way of life? What do you believe is the reason we spend more on weapons of destruction than the next 7 strongest countries combined? Are we Terrorists in denial here in America?

Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism? Many prominent scholars have concluded that the global rise in state-sponsored terror was a result of U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. had been supporting Al Qaeda and other Terrorists/ Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, and Iran (Links to an external site.). We also support Saudi […]

Research, analyze and evaluate an issue topic relative to Terrorism: Foundational Concepts.

Research, analyze and evaluate an issue topic relative to Terrorism: Foundational Concepts. The focus of the assessment should be centered on the implications and ramifications for a given National and International Security topic. Should be at least 6-8 FULL pages. Keep in mind that the cover page, abstract, and reference page does not count towards […]

what role, if any, the United Nation’s has in countering terrorism?

For this question you are expected to explore the role of the United Nations in countering transnational terrorism. Some of the strategies and policies relating to the UN are uploaded to additional materials. For this question you may wish to consider: • what role, if any, the United Nation’s has in countering terrorism?; • how […]