Explain whether the proposed Secret Terrorism Trial Bill violates the Sixth Amendment right to a public trial,

Explain whether the proposed Secret Terrorism Trial Bill violates the Sixth Amendment right to a public trial, Describe whether the proposed Secret Terrorism Trial Bill violate the Sixth Amendment right to confront the witnesses against you. Explain whether the government’s overriding need to fight terrorism outweighs the Sixth Amendment rights of the accused. Identify whether […]

Explain how social media has been used in terrorism.

Explain how social media has been used in terrorism. Find and reference a recent article, within the last 3 months, depicting the use of social media in terrorism. Describe a method that can be used to monitor social media sites used to propagate terrorism and hate. Determine which agency should be involved in an investigation […]

Explain:Are there strategies that might be pursued toward reducing the corruption, violence, and terrorism associated with oil-producing nations?

How might you explain the presence of terrorism in both poor countries as well as counties possessing wealth? Are there strategies that might be pursued toward reducing the corruption, violence, and terrorism associated with oil-producing nations?