Is this a tool of propaganda that the Terrorist groups have learned to manipulate for their benefit? Is the reporting of this news helping the terrorist cause? Explain in detail.

Modern technology has played a major role in modern terrorism. From using advanced weaponry, to the internet to spreading information that initiated the Arab Spring, to televising beheading, bombings and atrocities committed by Terrorist. The nightly news showing the acts of terrorist when they occur. Is this a tool of propaganda that the Terrorist groups […]

Select one of the individuals from each of the following lists – one pre-WWII terrorist or mass killer and one modern day terrorist or mass killer – and you will compare and contrast these two individuals in terms of profile, background, education, and techniques used. Pre-WWII Terrorists/Mass Killers

Assignment Overview Unit 1 – Individual Project The U.S. Department of State publishes a list of foreign terrorist organizations. Because of this label, many Americans lack the understanding of what these groups are trying to accomplish. You will hear broad, media-fed statements like, “They want us to live in the Stone Age,” or “They are […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the modus operandi (MO) of a number of terrorist groups, to include determining the strategic threats these might pose to the UAE and region.

LO2. Demonstrate an understanding of the modus operandi (MO) of a number of terrorist groups, to include determining the strategic threats these might pose to the UAE and region. LO3. Compare and contrast models associated with terrorism, radicalization,de-radicalization and counter radicalization processes. LO4. Analyze emerging threats in the use of information and communications technologies by […]

Describe how terrorist target selection links to the group’s underlying ideological perspective.

Assignment Details The employment of terrorist tactics and strategies is inextricably linked to a terrorist organization’s objectives and underlying motivation. Additionally, a terrorist organization must execute certain functions to conduct operations. This requires the selection of new recruits to support the terrorists’ cause. In 5–6 paragraphs, address the following: Describe how terrorist target selection links […]

ISIS – Explain its history, goals and address the question of whether or not it is possible for that organization to shed its use of terrorism and still maintain itself as an effective agent of change

Topic: ISIS – explain its history, goals and address the question of whether or not it is possible for that organization to shed its use of terrorism and still maintain itself as an effective agent of change Paper details: five (5) pages, you will select a terrorist organization, domestic or international, and explain its history, […]

Compare and contrast the organization’s primary beliefs, motives, and allies with another terrorist organization of your choice.

Describe the history of the organization. Compare and contrast the organization’s primary beliefs, motives, and allies with another terrorist organization of your choice. Discuss past actions and terroristic endeavors. Discuss the present areas of operation, believed actions, and status of the organization today. Determine the impact of how the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism has […]

Which agencies would be involved in a man-made terrorist disaster?

Which agencies would be involved in a man-made terrorist disaster? Which agencies would be involved in a natural disaster such as flooding or a hurricane? What are the key plan components that should be periodically updated? How should plans be tested? What drills should be periodically conducted to ensure the appropriate individuals are knowledgeable of […]