Analyze and evaluate the different kinds of strategies the speaker uses in their speech to convince the audience.… Requirements: – In the introduction paragraph(s), generally address the topic at hand and why it matters to certain people, summarize the speech, provide the rhetorician’s central argument and purpose, and give some context about this person (see the bio at the end of the speeches). – Establish a clear thesis in which you state […]

What kinds of issues do you think can arise with witness testimony?

In this lesson, we have looked at the following types of evidence: direct, circumstantial, inculpatory, exculpatory, corroborative, witness, and hearsay evidence. Pick one (1) type of evidence for your discussion post. Define that type of evidence (including a citation) and then discuss what you believe is a challenging aspect of that type of evidence for […]

What sources will be used to support your individual main ideas?

Does your speech meet the requirements of the general purpose selected? Yes(continue), No (revise) Specific Purpose: In a few sentences explain what you hope to share with your audience and what you hope they get out of your speech: From what you have written, condense the paragraph into a concise Specific Purpose Statement: Does your […]

Discuss one strategy for improving memory you plan to integrate in your own life.

To identify operant conditioning and observational learning in your own life. Instructions: This discussion is lengthy,take your time as there are a lot of key terms that can get confusing. Explain the main difference between reinforcement and punishment (hint: think about the main goal of punishment vs. the main goal of reinforcement).  provide an example […]

Describe how you would address the opponent to your position-Be specific-provide examples.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Legislation Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Be sure to add a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper. Part 1: Legislation Grid Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following: […]

Describe some strategies-tactics you may use to avoid defensiveness -maintain composure during cross examination

Expert Witness Testimony: Direct and Cross Examination Answer the following questions separately : 1. Describe some strategies or tactics you may use to avoid defensiveness and maintain composure during cross examination 2. When preparing with a retaining/agreeing attorney prior to testimony, what are some areas you would want to make sure you discuss with them

Why are an expert’s body language-speech patterns important during testimony?

Expert Testimony- Testifying and Communicating Your Findings Answer the following questions separately: 1. Why are an expert’s body language and speech patterns important during testimony? 2. Review Barsky’s 10 rules for testifying. Which do you think are particularly important and why.

What type of evidence is being used?-How does the author bring multiple types of evidence together?

Reading Response After reading the articles, please respond to the following questions: (1) Before making an argument, authors need to make sure their readers have background information and context. This might include a description of the issue, the different perspectives various groups hold, previous attempts to solve the problem, as well as recent events related […]

Draft a list of five (5) Dos and Don’ts for your expert witness testimony at deposition or trial. Indicate your reasoning, and support your list with outside research geared toward preparation of expert witnesses in fraud trials.

Imagine you are being called as an expert witness in deposition at a trial. Your role is law enforcement with a specialization in handwriting analysis. Draft a list of five (5) Dos and Don’ts for your expert witness testimony at deposition or trial. Indicate your reasoning, and support your list with outside research geared toward […]

Explain the importance of expert testimony and the report writing that would be involved.

Define physical evidence. You may use a number of resources to research the methods and significance of evidence in this scenario. Consider using articles form juried forensic publications, information from the AIU library, or textbooks from this or other classes you might have had. Identify the evidence you found and what evidence might still be […]