How are state judges selected in Texas? Discuss two different methods used in other states for selecting judges. What are the arguments for each of the selection methods you discussed? Do you think that judges should be elected or appointed? Explain your reasoning.

Description How are state judges selected in Texas? Discuss two different methods used in other states for selecting judges. What are the arguments for each of the selection methods you discussed? Do you think that judges should be elected or appointed? Explain your reasoning. How informed do you think the public is about judicial elections […]

What was the popular vote in the Presidential election in Texas? (numbers and percentages) Who received Texas’ 38 electoral votes, and to what do you attribute this?

Description 1. What happened in the national Presidential election and why do you think that happened? Be sure to give the national popular vote (numbers and percentages) and electoral vote for each candidate. 2. What was the popular vote in the Presidential election in Texas? (numbers and percentages) Who received Texas’ 38 electoral votes, and […]

Describe the lessons that you as aspiring Texas school leaders can learn from Finland.

Topic: Lessons learned from Finland Paper details: A supplementary paper (2 pages) must describe the lessons that you as aspiring Texas school leaders can learn from Finland. Please describe how the lessons learned can be applied to practice and connect the practice to TAC Principal Standards and TExES competencies.

Compare and contrast how Texas has handled the Coronavirus crisis to other states in the nation. What has the state done right or wrong compared to the other states? Is there a better way to handle this crisis? Why or why not?

First off this is for a government class, not english but government isn’t a subject option. Write a paper that has a fully developed 10 complete page research paper plus bibliography, that is well organized and utilizes your sources to reach your conclusion. Allow the research to guide you not your opinion. Your paper will […]