write a fact that you think is interesting and/or important from the text.

Remember the format for Journals is always: FQR. F is for Fact: write a fact that you think is interesting and/or important from the text. Q is for Question: write a specific question that you have about your fact. R is for Response or Reaction: write your answer or response to your question. FQR’s should […]

Provide a brief description of the concepts and the significance of the concepts to practice in general, as well as what problems might be resolved through the successful implementation of the concepts.

Case Study: The Great Rebate Runaround Read Chapter 15 of the chapter on page 26 of the case study Instructions 1.) Write a post thread of 600-700 words: Respond to each of the end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly, and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the Learn materials. […]

Explain why you chose the approach you did.

Read “Case Study 4-2 Choosing a Performance Management Approach at Show the Money.” at the end of Chapter 4 of the Performance Management textbook (page 119). Based on the case study, assess whether Show the Money should use a behavior approach, a results approach, or a combination of both to measure performance. Using the table […]

Identify a section of the chapter that provided information that was new and interesting to you.

Two chapters readings discussion design materials upload a minimum of 5 discussion points from Each chapter (chapter 1 and 2) so a total of 10 discussion points 5 for chapter 1 and 5 for chapter 2. will upload textbook when post it chosen Suggestions for discussion topics: identify a section of the chapter that provided […]

Describe the relationship of the leaders, departments, and personnel within the organizational chart.

Identify a health care organization that is of interest to you. Create a chart that illustrates its organizational structure. An example of an organization chart can be found in Chapter 16 of your textbook, Organization Behavior in Health Care. Use the organizational chart you have created to discuss the following in a paper of 750-1,000 […]

Provide a background to differentiating based on student profile in light of content, process, and product.

Topic: Differentiated Strategies and Assessments Download the Differentiated Strategies for Instruction and Assessment Template. Locate a completed Virginia Lesson Plan in the content area of your choice. Select the lesson plan of your choice from the Virginia Department of Education. Then, review the assignment requirements listed below and on the template. Differentiating by Readiness Determine […]

Share your thoughts on integrating theory into your professional practice.

POST : Review any 2 of the following articles : 1. Share your thoughts on integrating theory into your professional practice. 2. Share 2 nursing concepts that are used in professional practice that has piqued your interest. (Support your answer with 3 references not including your textbook). The 2 articles are attached  

How might this help you and others in a work setting?

Unit 2 Discussion Part 1 Read carefully the “Examining the Evidence: Snakes, Self-Efficacy, and Task Performance: Too Much of a Good Thing?” located in Chapter 3 of the Neck et al. textbook. (Book Information attached) To begin the discussion: Assess whether self-efficacy can affect individual task performance in the workplace, given the conflicting research data. […]