What kind of program or policy would you implement in the U.S. to address your chosen topic/issue in order to improve the well-being of families?

Assignment:Write a report in which you answer the following questions. Your report must be in the following format:1. Go over the topics in the syllabus (pgs. 6-8) covered each week in this classand choose one that you consider to be the most interesting or important.Describe the topic/issue in detail, be specific, and provide examples ifappropriate. […]

What are the possible impacts-implications of a Global Supply Chain on JIT?

M7 Written Assignment 1: Impact of Global Supply Chains on JIT Implications of JIT For this assignment you will look at some implications of JIT. After reading chapter 18 in the textbook, answer the following question in a paper of no more than two (2) pages. What are the possible impacts or implications of a […]

which statements in these articles inspire me? How-why?

Week 8 Discussion: Reflection Main Post Part 1: Read and Respond After thoroughly reading the Week 8 lesson and the required textbook pages, go back and re-read, specifically, the articles from the assigned Week 8 textbook pages. Ask yourself: In the textbook readings, which statements in these articles inspire me? How and why? Do any […]

How has America reacted to the topic? the role of the topic in American life since 2000.

You will create a 5 slide presentation, where you are to accomplish three things: First, choose a topic from the list below. Then, in 2 slides, you will identify What is it?, describe (Give examples), and assess How did America react to the topic? the impact of your topic on life in America between 1876-2000. […]

Why is it important to conduct or perform a quality literature review?-Characterize or distinguish between the 4 major types of reviews discussed in our textbook?

Why is it important to conduct or perform a quality literature review? Characterize or distinguish between the 4 major types of reviews discussed in our textbook? What are the essential components of a quality literature review?  

What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?

Human Resource Management Assignment: Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. How would you respond to the complaint? Notes: Tough Conversations […]

dentify-Assess Butler’s essay and identify five course concepts that relate to her argument or a statement made within the essay. Give a brief description of her argument, statement, or main point as it relates to a specific course concept

Prompt: You have been provided an article from the New York Times which is posted under the Reflexive Paper heading. Your task is to assess the main points of Butler’s essay using five concepts from this course. Your essay must include five citations from the course textbook to sufficiently analyze Butler’s essay. The Reflexive Paper […]

What suggestions would you offer to this speaker to improve her message, relating to the audience, and his or her delivery?

Click on one of the links below, watch it, and then answer the questions below. Jim Keye -Never too late to dream Darren Tay – Outsmart-Outlast – 1. In two sentences summarize what you remembered from this speech. What were his or her main points? 2. How does the speaker relate to you or not? […]

Why do supervisors fail if they are using a “textbook” technique? Explain using the scenes from the movie/show or your own personal life to enhance your explanation.

The leadership paper should be 4-7 pages, double-spaced, APA format. The paper is based on the following: You are to select and view ONE of the below movies: 2. MacDonald, L. (Producer), Scott, R. (Director). (2000). Gladiator [Motion Picture]. United States: Dreamworks & Universal Pictures. Paper Content A. After viewing the movie or TV show, […]

Write a two- to three-page paper in APA format (not including title page and reference page) addressing the questions for review on pages 67 and 96 of the textbook.

Write a two- to three-page paper in APA format (not including title page and reference page) addressing the questions for review on pages 67 and 96 of the textbook. Do not write the questions, but use them as writing prompts to create a paper with an introduction, paragraphs covering the topics, and a conclusion. Draw […]