What are the arguments for and against taking such a position?

Questions Do you think governments should consider human rights when granting preferential trading rights to countries? What are the arguments for and against taking such a position? Whose interests should be the paramount concern of government trade policy: the interests of producers (businesses and their employees) or those of consumers? Given the arguments relating to […]

Describe how population size, affluence, and technology interact to impact the environment

Explain how and why the human population has changed over time. Define determinants of population change. Interpret an age-structure pyramid. Deconstruct how the demographic transition model explains population growth over time. Analyze the effectiveness of direct and indirect efforts to control population growth. Compare and contrast China’s and Thailand’s population policy. Describe how population size, […]

What are some of the differences in the type and timing of symptoms of both AIDS and AIDS-related opportunistic infections that Praman will encounter when he begins his work in Thailand?

HIV Case Study Case Study:  Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome The spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that results from prolonged exposure to the HIV virus is the most significant epidemiological occurrence of the latter part of the Twentieth Century. Changes in sexual behaviors […]

What is a commodity chain, and how does this conceptual device help us to better understand the social relations that undergird our food system?

Labor and the Food System As you learned this week, there is a disjunction between the relatively low prices consumers pay for food in the global north, and the conditions under which people in the global south labor to bring us that food. We’re exploring this disjuncture in this week’s materials, focusing specifically on what […]

How might you apply what you’ve learned thus far in the course about the development of the modern food system to explain the global economic factors shaping labor exploitation in Thailand and the United States?

Labor and the Food System As you learned this week, there is a disjunction between the relatively low prices consumers pay for food in the global north, and the conditions under which people in the global south labor to bring us that food. We’re exploring this disjuncture in this week’s materials, focusing specifically on what […]

Write an implementation strategy to improve sustainable returns on investment in Urban Agriculture in Thailand with impacts on the three SDGs (Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation and Alternative and Clean Energy in Thailand).

Design an implementation strategy to improve sustainable returns on investment in Urban Agriculture in Thailand with impacts on the three SDGs (Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation and Alternative and Clean Energy in Thailand).

Did Synnex (Thailand) make the right decision funding the ASRS project? Why, or why not?

Case Study 2 End-of-Case Questions Question 1 Analyse the business case for Option 1 (ASRS warehouse expansion). How would you compare Option 1 to Option 2 (building additional conventional warehouses)? Question 2 Use the projections provided in the case to compute incremental cash flows for the Synnex (Thailand) project, as well as its NPV. Does […]

Discuss on the struggle of democratization in Thailand.Define the problem, provide background information, explain the significance of the question, and present an analysis of the research and data.

Basic research paper on the struggle of democratization in Thailand. I just need to go into my question regarding the issue, define the problem, provide background information, explain the significance of the question, and present an analysis of the research and data. and then end the paper with some policy recommendations.