Is there any way these topics have influenced the way you view theatre?  Or on a larger scale, do these topics influence the way you view the world around you? 

Write a well-organized Journal entry and reflect on what you have read in our textbook thus far. Discuss two chapters/sections that were of interest to you the most. Use the questions below to help guide your reflection. What aspects made these topics interesting to you? Is there any way these topics have influenced the way you view […]

What questions does this play make you ask about the world inside it?

Play Response1: Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play Think of reading this play as “a visit to a small planet.” What questions does this play make you ask about the world inside it? Generate 15-20 dramaturgical questions specifically for the world of this play, using direct quotations from the play text (include page number). Your questions […]

What are the styles of the two versions-And how does the their medium film theatre influence-dictate that style ?

Comparing the movie and theatre versions of street car named desire. Comparing Mise en scene of 1951 street car named desire and the national theatre version . Must use these two adaptations . Contain research from outsude sources. Cite your sources. Have a clear introduction and conclusion. Focus on the similarities of the mise en […]

What directions will you give the actors in terms of moves and how to say particular words/lines?

Stage a Play About Staging One of Our Texts Imagine you are a very ‘hands on’ director, who likes to be involved in every aspect of your production. Therefore.What, for you, is this text really about? What message do you want to convey to the audience? What emotions do you want them to experience? The […]

Evaluate and describe the set, lighting, props, sound, or makeup. Did they make sense? Did they help convey meaning? What was the mood for the production and how did the technical aspects contribute to it?

Assignment Details Fall 2020 Theatre 100 Section 404 Introduction/Theatre Instead try, I he main character was not very convincing because he spoke monotonously and his lines weren’t memorized.”) o Costumes: Describe them. What was interesting? What was completely wrong? How did they or didn’t they help you understand the characters? o Technical Aspects: Evaluate and […]

Discuss why you think American musical theatre has been called America’s opera – what is its enduring appeal? What themes expressed in this clip hold great appeal for the American public?

Discuss why you think American musical theatre has been called America’s opera – what is its enduring appeal? What themes expressed in this clip hold great appeal for the American public?