How do such representations affect men’s emotional and mental health?

ANSWER AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS Questions for “Tough Guise” by Jackson Katz What is the documentary’s thesis? Identify Katz’s main argument. Who benefits from examining masculinity as defined by Katz? According to Katz, what images of masculinity does the media offer as normal? How do dominant groups remain invisible and unexamined? What […]

write an essay explaining the plot of the film using the functionalist perspective using the concpets of instrumentality, expressiveness, and sexism.

Q. Using your sociological imagination, write an essay explaining the plot of the film using the functionalist perspective using the concpets of instrumentality, expressiveness, and sexism. In your answer, you must incorporate the ending of the film as why Thelma and Louise choose to jump off the cliff and commit suicide while applying the perspective […]