How does your anecdote relate to your overall analysis of your writing?

Reflective Writing 3-5 pages containing a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The intro and the conclusion are thematically linked and explain THE SITUATION & STORY OF YOUR WRITING & LIFE AS A STUDENT THIS SEMESTER. Sentence-length variety, use of sensory details, attention to syntax. Discussion of your writing assignments, starting with the Creative Nonfiction Essay, […]

What did you learn, or did not learn, from this book that makes it a valuable, or not valuable, contribution to our understanding of the historical topic? Why?

Jacoby, Karl. Crimes Against Nature: Squatters, Poachers, Thieves, and the Hidden History of American Conservation (2014). A summary of the author’s primary argument: What is the author’s main idea – what is the topic? What is/are the most important question(s) the author is asking? The author wants to teach you something, to convince you about […]