Discuss how an author uses various literary devices to create and emphasize a theme about family.

Many of the stories we are reading deal with issues of tradition. For some characters, tradition stifles personal growth and development; for others, it helps establish a sense of self-worth. Think about how tradition affects the characters and plots we have encountered in our assigned readings. Using one of the assigned stories, write an essay […]

Identify a shared major theme of the works and explore what literary techniques the authors use to establish and develop the major theme.

Purpose: To learn how to use “evidence” reasonably and logically to make your case persuasively; to learn how to analyze and critique literary texts to make an original thesis; to master using expected academic “moves” or conventions in argumentative writing; to perform an analysis of multiple texts and provide textual evidence to support a claim; […]

Give your interpretation of what you think the artist is presenting conceptually in the that artwork. Is there a theme? What was their intention? How does the artists use the building blocks of design to communicate their ideas or direct the viewer?Explain.

Comment on our classmates work. You can make multiple comments as the conversation progresses. Comment 1 Give one word or short phrase impressions of the work first focusing on descriptive words that go past simple observations. This will be for every piece except for your own, So 14 in all. Comment 2 For every student […]

What topic or theme in the chapter did you find most interesting and why?

Tni nR 6 hantar 3 “Rethinking Student Instruction When considering your reading from Chapter 3 (pp. 81-118), : A. What topic or theme in the chapter did you find most interesting and why? Pease use references to the book and page numbers to guide our discussions(being sure to practice using APA citation style rules). B. […]

Analyse the poem addressing aspects of the poetic form, the theme, and issues addressed. A response allows you to be reflective as well as critical.

Analyse the poem addressing aspects of the poetic form, the theme, and issues addressed. A response allows you to be reflective as well as critical. Paper details: Donald Justice Poem “Pantoum of the Great Depression” Donald Justice: Pantoum of the Great Depression Our lives avoided tragedy Simply by going on and on, Without end and […]

Choose a theme, find three expressions of that theme in three different humanities disciplines. You will then describe how the three different pieces express the theme, and offer an analysis and reflection.

Read the play that is uploaded it as the attached file. Selection of topic Choose a theme based on the following suggestions, or propose one of your own. Try to derive a specific theme (e.g instead of “Love” which is very broad, try sacrificial love or unrequited love or agape love, or instead of “confusion” […]