How to post Make sure you end up with two different post at the end of the week.

Topic: World Myths (The Theogony) General Directions Access the “Tools for Analyzing Myths” handouts. Read the directions and select two of the available “Tools.” Consider an analysis using each tool. Remember that this is an opportunity to practice writing and analyzing before submitting the “Here’s what know” (analysis) paper. You should take the feedback you […]

How do the images of Athenian women differ from the images of Amazons in Greco-Roman art-What do these artistic images reveal about the relationship between ancient Greek concepts of gender and the heroic identity of the Amazons?

How do the images of Athenian women differ from the images of Amazons in Greco-Roman art? What do these artistic images reveal about the relationship between ancient Greek concepts of gender and the heroic identity of the Amazons? Your essay must not only reflect a good understanding of the readings and the lecture material, but […]