What is natural theology, and which theologian developed a more empirical approach to it?

Reply: Growth in Understanding Theological Study Questions • In his philosophical works, to what extent did Immanuel Kant restrict religion? • State and explain five facets of the definition of theology. • Define systematic theology and explain how it relates to the three other disciplines of theology: biblical, historical, and philosophical. • What is natural […]

Describe antecedent and consequences of issues about cersion in healthcare as part of treatment.

Topic: Concept analysis of coersion as patient care Identify the concept of coersion, describe the characteristics of the concept of coersion, collect data from the literature review. Describe antecedent and consequences of issues about cersion in healthcare as part of treatment. Demonstrate a model case. The student will choose and analyze a concept of importance […]

State significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world.

1. Significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment. 2. Aspects of your background that inform the unique perspective you would add to the diverse and vibrant community that exists at […]

Explain the relationship of the doctrine positively presented in the confessions to the teaching of Scripture.

The Theology of the Person of Christ: A Lutheran Approach Against the Heresies This paper is intended to demonstrate an understanding of the history and theology of the Lutheran Confessions. The paper will explore one significant doctrine explored/discussed in the confessions. Students will choose a substantial teaching (e.g., something related to Christology, Soteriology, etc.) and […]

What are your impressions of faith development in relation to an individual’s other developmental processes? Do you feel that there is interconnection, or do you oppose the idea that successful faith development requires successful development in other areas? Explain

Description Thread: James Fowler was an American theologian who was the professor of Theology and Human Development at Emory University. He has produced several pieces of literature illustrating his theory of faith development. This week, you will review an article that introduces his stages of faith in relation to the developmental concepts you have learned […]

Using the Biblical Theology of Human Flourishing article explain why Moral Therapeutic Deism may appeal to so many modern Americans?

We have studied the contemporary culture of the United States and Christianity’s interaction with and place in that culture. We have read about a Biblical Theology of Human Flourishing and also about Moral Therapeutic Deism. Using the course materials from the first half of class, in 750-850 words, evaluate and critique Moral Therapeutic Deism. How […]

What did you find truly unique about McMinn’s approach? What was most helpful? What suggestions from McMinn will be most difficult to utilize in your own counseling?

The McMinn book can be divided into 2 broad “parts.” The first part comprises chapters 1–2 and in those chapters, McMinn lays down a foundation for the rest of the book. In your summary of the first 2 chapters, explain the essential elements in McMinn’s approach to the integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality into […]

How does the hermeneutical circle presented by Miguel de La Torre, and “doing Christian ethics from the margins” fit with this chapter, or another chapter, or Hauerwas’s book as a whole?

1. Summarize this book. What is the message and argument presented by Hauerwas? What do you find most valuable? What do you find most challenging? How has this book helped you understand Christian ethics? 1. Choose one chapter, summarize and analyze the argument in it. Why did you choose this chapter? It what ways is […]