Write evidence-based evaluations of journal articles that identify the strengths and weaknesses of these articles, and provide a recommendation to a theoretical journal editor about decisions to publish.

Overview Write evidence-based evaluations of journal articles that identify the strengths and weaknesses of these articles, and provide a recommendation to a theoretical journal editor about decisions to publish. consult the slides on this topic for background information.  review the syllabus and note that the body of the analysis must be no more than 900 […]

Explain which theoretical perspective best aligns with your selected social problem (conflict, functionalist, and symbolic interactionism)

You have analyzed various social problems in this course. In an essay assignment (1,200–2,000 words), use the social problem you identified in Topic 2 to address the following prompts. Use three to five scholarly sources from the library: Detail your social problem, proving why it is a social problem with supporting evidence. Analyze the impact […]

What goals do you as the worker have for this session-What goals does the client have?

Answer each questions base on the question and leave the questioned attached to it Here the link to Halo https://haloministry.org/ CLINICAL FIELD PROCESS RECORDING FORM 1.CONTENT OF INTERVIEW In a few sentences, describe the content of your conversation (i.e. purpose of session, setting of session, background of case- brief history including demographics, etc.) Im currently […]

Write an essay exploring an issue related to a topic that is discussed in Part 3

In this course students will write an essay exploring an issue related to a topic that is discussed in Part 3 (Sentencing). For your paper, you will need to find a case decision which explores your identified topic in more detail. Students are asked to write an essay outline, including an annotated bibliography of one […]

What is the main argument put forth by the author(s) in discussing this global issue?

Apply global political theoretical approaches in assessment of relevant topics Identify levels of analysis and key actors in assigned articles Summarize and Assess information sources relevant to global politics You must answer the following questions in their essay: Question 1: What is the global issue raised in this article? Provide specific examples from the article […]

How would you describe the theoretical orientation that guides your interventions as a group leader?

Choose two of the following questions for this week’s Discussion Board. • How would you describe the theoretical orientation that guides your interventions as a group leader? https://kasa-solutions.com/undestanding-theoretical-orientation-in-counseling/#:~:text=Theoretical%20Orientation%20in%20counseling%20is%20defined%20by%20the,and%20for%20formulating%20a%20rationale%20for%20specific%20interventions.%E2%80%9D https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/how-to-use-theoretical-orientation-in-counseling/ • Of what practical value is a theory for you as a group leader? How does the theoretical approach you favor affect what you do in […]

Explain how well your teaching corresponds with your own visions.

Practical professional theory The practical professional theory contains three dimensions: 1. Practical dimension: Here, you must write about how and with what you work/will work as teacher. What do you do in the day-to-day business? Give examples. Think about how you usually do when you plan and carry out teaching. Describe, e.g., how you organize […]

How do these interventions differ from your usual primary prevention strategies?

Essay Assignment One Instructions: From the assigned readings in Mason et al. and the assigned topical readings: Identify a vulnerable group and select 2 theoretical explanations linking specific social determinants to health inequity in this population. Identify at least 2 interventions that can mitgate poor health attributed to social determinants. How do these interventions differ […]

What major question does it answer for us, and why do you think this information is important to our knowledge of victimization and victimology?

Article critique Main Findings in this Study (1-2 paragraphs maximum): What are the primary findings of this study? Why do the authors think they found what they did? Contribution to Our Understanding of Victimization: Say what primary contribution this study has added to our understanding of the topic. What major question does it answer for […]

Explain your conceptualizations and measures of the concepts, explain your model (e.g., which concepts do you use as independent, dependent, moderating, or mediating variables – visualize your model in a figure).

The question is: The list below contains some key theoretical concepts. Choose three to six (3-6) of these concepts and construct an originally developed “conceptual research model” with hypotheses. Explain your conceptualizations and measures of the concepts, explain your model (e.g., which concepts do you use as independent, dependent, moderating, or mediating variables – visualize […]