Discuss ways in which your designs incorporate child- nature relationships, Indigenous perspectives, place-based perspectives and place connections, inclusiveness, and sustainability learning.

Topic: – DESIGNING AND PLANNING LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOR EARLY CHILD- HOOD AND PRIMARY SCHOOL. In this assignment you will identify, examine, and reflect on your theoretical understandings of learning environments for children developed throughout the subject and to demonstrate them through the design of an indoor and outdoor environment for early years and lower primary […]

Explain what is known and reported in the literature and what are the gaps in what is reported in the literature?

Essay paper: How does VAR work as a remote decision support system for on field referees in association football. Address the following: What is the problem / issue that you are studying or what is the situation that you are investigating? What is known about the topic in the literature, including the theoretical background to […]

Which theoretical approach that we have examined in this course best explains the causes of war?

Which theoretical approach that we have examined in this course best explains the causes of war? In answering this question, compare and contrast at least three of the approaches we have studied, and use at least three empirical examples of wars in the past 200 years to support your arguments.

Which theoretical approach that we have examined in this course best explains the causes of war?

Which theoretical approach that we have examined in this course best explains the causes of war? In answering this question, compare and contrast at least three of the approaches we have studied, and use at least three empirical examples of wars in the past 200 years to support your arguments.

Compare the individual’s current cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development to various theories expected norms, and developmental milestones.

Growth and Development Assessment Growth and Development Assessment Project Guidelines: Choose a person you know well and complete a developmental analysis of this person’s current period of development. You can choose a person from any of the developmental stages excluding infancy and toddlerhood. Through observation and communications with the person, assess the individual’s current period […]

Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and explain its impact on health care outcomes

Nurse practitioners actively engage in the process of translating nursing knowledge into practice, thereby establishing evidence-based approaches within the discipline. Throughout this process, a theoretical framework provides a meaningful context to guide and support the evidence-based practice. The purpose of this assignment is to identify a theory or theoretical model which can be used as […]

Explain how the concept applies to the selected nursing theory.-Support from nursing literature is required. 

Concept Analysis This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete an analysis of a concept found in the nurse practitioner role supported by a nursing theory using an identified process. The assignment fosters analytical thinking related to the selected concept as well as application within the profession. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this assignment, the student […]

Identify at least two policy recommendations that follow logically from your chosen theoretical perspective

In this assignment, you are being asked to prepare a 5-page, double-spaced paper that critically engages with course materials by applying international relations theory to a contemporary policy scenario. The objective is to “bridge the gap” between the academic theories we are studying and the policy questions that they can help inform. For the purposes […]

Explain why the selected framework is important and how it can guide research.

Find for your review Week 3 Assignment guidance regarding the word count, minimum reference requirement, and template usage. Respond to the three (3) posted questions, and replicate and incorporate one of the provided templates that best aligns with your Problem Statement.Note: There is no word count or minimum reference requirement stated, BUT the expectation in […]

Describe the framework or theory and apply it to your current clinical setting.

For this discussion assignment, Students are expected to post a professional summary, minimum 400 words, that explains how a nursing theory, framework, or evidence based guideline or standard has created improvements to practice and client outcomes in their clinical setting. Describe the framework or theory and apply it to your current clinical setting. Perhaps this […]