Describe how you think it applies as a factor of social conditions, and may be useful in explaining your previous behavior, as well as your attempt at behavior change.

Supportive Submission 3 – Theory Alignment Identify a health behavior change theory (or theories) we have covered in class (i.e., HBM, SCT, TTM, TPB) that you think may apply to the specific health behavior you have targeted for changing. • Describe how you think it applies as a factor of social conditions, and may be […]

How would you proceed in restoring a productive organization? Explain how you would improve employee morale, while still motivating employees to catch up on work that is behind schedule.

OLB-7004 Week 4 For this week’s assignment, you will complete a case study. Review the following scenario to get started: Right in the middle of the busy time of year, XYZ Corporation was suddenly struck by an all-encompassing technology failure. Its main website and internal systems went off-line for over 24 hours, causing an entire […]

Who should be held liable for damages and what damages might be available to the various parties involved in this situation?

Written Assignment 1 Thoroughly review the LEGL210 Case.Answer the questions posed at the end ofthe case study in essay format.Respond to each question completely andaccurately. Your essay will be judged on your ability to spot the relevant issues andcapacity to present strong, analytical and logical discussions that support yourconclusions.1. Briefly summarize the three different categories […]

How do advertising and marketing practices tap into human behavior, motivation, and needs? Provide examples and describe the strategies that are most successful.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the psychological factors behind e-commerce? Consider the point of view of the consumer as well as the seller. To what extent are social and behavioral health theories at play when you shop online? How do advertising and marketing practices tap into human behavior, […]

Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue.

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue ,Briefly summarize the presented issue. • Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue. • Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position.

If you were the manager of a US company doing business with Taiwan, would you agree with Taiwan’s trade policy? Why? Why not?

Tawain Case Study Understanding Comparative advantage=Least opportunity cost and Absolute Advantage= Higher amount produced (output approach) and reading the attached case studies on Taiwan, explain which of the theories relate to Taiwan’s trade policy during each of the eras described in the case. If you were the manager of a US company doing business with […]

Discuss at least two specific psychological strategies you will use-how they reflect concepts of positive psychology.

In this Assignment, you will assess your own life within the framework of positive psychology. Specifically, you will assess and reflect upon your self-awareness, ability to manage emotional responses, employ social skills, find personal motivation, and make choices that support personal happiness and satisfaction. Prepare a 3- to 4-page paper (double spaced, APA format in […]

What are the successes or failures of the movement in gaining access, equity, rights-participation for the members of the disadvantaged population?

Instructions for this Assignment The purpose is for students to connect course material to “real world” issues outside of the classroom, provide students an opportunity to practice analyzing current issues through a social justice lens, as well as providing students an opportunity to apply course material to the world outside of the classroom. In this […]

What are the limitations of each of these theories-What are the strengths of each of these theories?

Chapter 19 in the textbook identifies for you several grief stage theorists. The following video, audio, and text files provide additional information regarding the grief stages theorists and their theories. Once you have completed your reading and video watching, you will have a greater understanding of the stage theories of grief. Note that the following […]

Which theory (theories) does his narrative closely align with from those presented in the text?

Assignment – The puzzle of motivation – video Watch video: Dan Pink makes several points about motivation in his video. Briefly answer these two questions: 1. Which point was most intriguing (practical) to you based on your professional experiences? 2. Which theory (theories) does his narrative closely align with from those presented in the […]