Choose one of the leadership theories presented in Chapter 2 of your textbook. Write a scholarly argument in which you explore the history and development of the theory, and implications for practice and application

Students will choose between 2 paper options. Option 1: Choose a book on leadership. Write a paper in which you consider the nature of leadership, the significance of the concepts presented in the book, and implications for practice and application. Your paper should also include a discussion on which leadership theories (review Ch. 2 of […]

Whose theories were the most outrageous, influential and mind blowing: Mies van der Rohe, R. Buckminster Fuller or John Cage?Discuss.

Chapter 4 (Chapter 35), The Quest for Meaning (please answer questions in complete sentences) 1)Regarding Sartre’s “Existentialism”, in your own words, explain “existence precedes essence” and “existential anguish.” 2)In Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, what aspect of “the absurd” are communicated in this reading? 3) In Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, how […]

Identify the leadership theories that inform it, and then discuss why this theory would be helpful in your particular leadership situation.

In this paper, you will draw from different approaches as discussed in Northouse and Keohane to develop your own theory of leadership and applies it to your workplace or other leadership situation. As you develop a theory of leadership, you should clearly identify the leadership theories that inform it, and then discuss why this theory […]

Explain the development of crisis intervention. Compare 2 theories related to crisis intervention. Explain the ethical considerations of crisis intervention. Support your explanation with legal aspects to be considered.

There are many different elements to consider when creating crisis intervention strategies. Understanding the foundational aspects help you develop the skills to observe, understand, and act on a plan to address a client’s needs. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following: Explain the development of crisis intervention. Compare 2 theories […]

Discuss the worldview concepts and their relationship to the study of developmental theories in general, and then specifically applies this thought process to one specific theory.

The student will write an 500–800-word essay in which he or she discusses worldview concepts and their relationship to the study of developmental theories in general, and then specifically applies this thought process to one specific theory. The paper must be written in current APA format. (MLO: A, B, C, D, E, F). This assignment […]