Defend why your selected theory is the best explanation for the criminal behavior exhibited in the current event.

Topic: Criminal Behavior Assessment Select an event that occurred within the past 12–24 months involving an individual who has been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Align your chosen event to a school of thought or use law enforcement reports and victim statistical surveys theory […]

Discuss what other theory or combination of theories may better account for those particular aspects of the crime

Topic: Juvenile Delinquency Theory Case Study The course materials present a number of criminological, sociological, and developmental theories that endeavor to explain delinquent behavior among juveniles. In this assignment, you will select a real-life, notorious crime committed by a juvenile. This may be a crime perpetrated by a juvenile many years ago, or a case […]

How would you select and introduce a nursing theory or model into your nursing practice?

Research and Nightingale Think about your unique nursing practice specialty area and the population you serve. Is there a clear connection to practice and theory in your specific nursing specialty area? In this discussion post, you will describe the relationship between theory and nursing practice and how you could implement theory into nursing practice. Describe […]

Can classical music really be inclusive-Composer Jessie Montgomery thinks so After you’ve read the articles

Home Announcements Grades People Modules CRT and Inclusivity in Classical Music (ClassicFM and NPR) Dear Women in Music Class, Your next assignment is to read the two posted articles: ClassicFM: Music professor breaks down Critical Race Theory and why it’s crucial for 21st-century music education NPR: Can classical music really be inclusive? Composer Jessie Montgomery […]

how they contributed to the educational field, and how their contributions affect education or schooling in the present.

Topic: Contributions to education writing assignment part 1 For each of the following theorists, give a brief description of the theory they developed. Include information about their early life, their training/education/career, how they contributed to the educational field, and how their contributions affect education or schooling in the present. John Dewey – Social Learning Theory, […]

Which is a theory in communication, Then find an artifact or example of EVT, it could be part of a book, part of a movie, or something else that relates to the theory.

Topic: Expectancy violations theory Read the following PDF on EVT which is a theory in communication, Then find an artifact or example of EVT, it could be part of a book, part of a movie, or something else that relates to the theory. Next relate the artifact to the theory, explain how it illustrates the […]

Identify a specific systemic theory that will guide interventions to work with the client and family system.

ADDICTION TREATMENT PLAN Use the Week 9 Assignment Template [DOC] to create your treatment plan and address the following: Identify a specific systemic theory that will guide interventions to work with the client and family system. Analyze the cultural considerations for the case and how the theory will guide multicultural appropriate application. Based upon the […]

Provide your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Recovery Model, how well it integrates into your personal and professional identity as a counselor, and whether or not you think it is a theory that resonates with you for future clinical practice.

Provide your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Recovery Model, how well it integrates into your personal and professional identity as a counselor, and whether or not you think it is a theory that resonates with you for future clinical practice. Provide a brief review of the theory as part of your reaction/analysis. […]

Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described

Week 4: Motivation within Organizational Structures. Nurse leaders, whether at the unit or organizational level, play a pivotal role within any given organizational structure in creating a healthy, motivating work environment. These environments are ones that encourage workers to perform their best and continue to develop professionally. The underlying belief about motivation is that behaviors […]

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new program.

Topic: Power Point organizational Theory Change Theories Project Create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. Produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. Begin by selecting one of the options provided in module one […]