How are the backwardated and contangoed markets related to the Theory of Storage and Theory of Normal Backwardation?

Prepare the graph of futures curves for crude oil futures contracts at two different dates in the history • You can select the dates but they need to be at least 3 months apart from each other • The future curve for each date needs to be based on at least 6 contracts and the […]

What is lifespan development? How can you define the progression stages of human development? (Choose one theory we’ve discussed this term and explain the different stages of development)

See intructions from part One paper done by writer 732594 Your final project will combine your research and understanding of the primary theoretical perspectives on development, your career goals as a nurse, and your personal application of the knowledge gained in this course. In this final paper, you will be expected to respond to three […]

What recommendations, based on the course concepts, can you offer to help improve Organizational functioning and address the problem you identified? What is Case Study?

THE PATTERSON OPERATION case study The overall objective of the case analysis is to answer the following questions. Use these questions in your paper to structure your analysis report. 1. What are the issues or problems facing the organization? 2. What course concepts can be applied to understand why this problem is occurring? 3. What […]

Explain the selected theory or style, and discuss how it can be applied in your future MSN role.

Week 1: Leadership Theory: Application to Advanced Nursing Practice NR504 Select one leadership theory or style that aligns with your personal philosophy and leadership stance. Explain the selected theory or style, and discuss how it can be applied in your future MSN role. Discuss your current leadership roles (formal and informal), and describe the formal […]

Describe an experience you’ve had (or observed) with a less-than-perfect leader and suggest what he/she might learn from reflective theory.

This activity forces you to reflect back on an unpleasant experience. In so doing, it helps you see that you have learned and grown from that experience. Task(s): Read Four Lessons You Can Learn From Bad Leaders, Forbes 2019. Perhaps, you’ve had a really “bad” boss or observed one whose methods made you cringe. Perhaps, […]

Does the company or its CEOs contribute money to causes or organizations that you agree or disagree with?

Module 8 Paper The Assignment: For this assignment, you will choose a company or product that you patronize or purchase regularly. Do some research into this company or product, through the lens of consumer ethics. How are the workers involved treated? If it makes use of animals or animal products, how are they treated? Are […]

Discuss two to three major theories or concepts that you have learned throughout the course and apply them to the case.

Scenario Textbook: Review previous chapter readings Initial Post Instructions Understanding psychological principles can help nurses adapt to how they interact with patients based on several factors that we have discussed throughout the session including personality, emotion, motivation, behavior, psychological disorders, stress management, and human development. Scenario Congratulations! You have graduated Chamberlain University and have been […]

How have the theories of either Carl von Clausewitz or Antoine Henri Jomini (not both) influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from History, Theory, Doctrine, and Practice to support your argument

Choose ONE of the following. Need an initial outline w/ bibliography before hand. 1. How have the theories of either Carl von Clausewitz or Antoine Henri Jomini (not both) influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from History, Theory, Doctrine, and Practice to support your argument. In your conclusion, suggest the significance to today’s military professional. […]

what way was Ardell’s reaction to the news of her impending death inconsistent with the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross stages of death and dying?

Death and Dying As we reach the end of the human life span, we all face the issue of death. The most influential theory about our psychological reaction to death and dying is from a psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Based on extensive interviews of people who were dying, Dr. Kübler-Ross developed a five stage theory to […]

What is the emotional climate in the family, what they talk about and the way they interact during periods of calm versus periods of tension?

Welcome to Working with Youth and Family Instructions Written Assignment – maximum 2 pages Conduct a family observation – on your own family – or a family on TV Take notes on your observations.   One suggestion is to divide note taking into 3 sections: speaker, content, process observations. Be alert for expressions, body movements, […]