Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week.

Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study Links to an external site. Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience. During weeks 2 & […]

Which paradigm do you think is most represented in your film/TV show? Explain.

Pick a film or TV Show Provide a short summary (2-3 paragraphs) of your film/TV show (What is the video about? Clarity is important) Separately, explain how Strain Theory, Differential Association, Control Theory, and Shaming Theory would view/interpret your film/TV show. Thoroughly explain using sociological concepts/terms. (One paragraph for each theory). Which paradigm do you […]

Compare the differences between the theory you have chosen and at least one current approach/theory of management.

Week 1 Discussion Respond to all of the following questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings: Theories of management originated in the early 1900s. They have influenced how we view management today. Select one of the following bullet points for your initial response: Research one of the early theories of management and […]

Discuss Routine Activities Theory as it relates to residential burglaries, and then identify

Question 2 (50 points) Using a minimum of 3 scholarly sources published within the past 5-10 years of the current date, respond to the following question using between 500-700 words, excluding the references. Discuss Routine Activities Theory as it relates to residential burglaries, and then identify and describe 3 target-hardening strategies that can be used […]

Identify a friend or family member to talk with (through email/text).

Identify a friend or family member to talk with (through email/text). Share with this individual that you are taking a class on motivation and that the focus this week is on self-determination theory. Ask them to identify an area where they would like to have more motivation (e.g., getting to bed early enough, completing class […]

Would you use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment or negative punishment?

Operant Conditioning Theory For this paper, you will choose a behavior of yours or someone else’s that you would like to change through operant conditioning. Examples include overeating, getting a child to clean up his room, or stopping your dog from chewing up your shoes. Answer the following questions in the form of a 2-3 […]

How can we, as nurses, ensure that the patient understands that he or she is at the center of our care and that the technology is an adjunct to it?

WEEK 5 DISCUSSION The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned and complete your participation for this assignment by Day 7. To support […]

Identify the company (of the 3 in this case study) that you believe to be most environmentally responsible and briefly explain why.

Information Theory Case Study Read the Case Study information and Watch the 3 videos below. As you watch the videos, consider the impact of “big data” on the environment and the responsibility of large online businesses to be socially responsible in terms of controlling both pollution and global warming. Using what you’ve learned, do the […]

What instructional characteristics does the Navy’s new training program include that facilitate learning and transfer?

Case study 2 chapter 4 Case: Revised Training for the U.S. Navy In 2017, 17 U.S. Navy sailors died in collisions involving its ships. Congressional investigations identified inadequate training in the foundational skills of seamanship as one of the likely causes for the collisions. The Navy is revising training methods for more than 75 percent […]