Explain how the article is related to a theory/concept presented in a particular chapter (the theory/concept must be explained, as well as how the article relates to that theory/concept).

Gender development in transgender preschoolers Write an introduction to your review – this must contain the name of the author and year of publication – and include the thesis (main point, most important message) of the article – expressed in your own words.Summarize the content of the article you have read (the how and why). […]

Explain how the theory of intersectionality can help us deepen our understanding of this social problem/topic relative to social stratification-social structure

Gender and Intersectionality To be successful in this CR you must do the following: I. Explain the theory of intersectionality • This requires that you write about (1) its history and origins and most importantly, its (2) principles • If done well, this will take a minimum of two paragraphs II. Apply the theory of […]

Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it useful in your role as a social worker.

Homelessness In a brief paper, i.e., no more than three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font, apply critical race theory to a current social situation of your choice, e.g., homelessness, unemployment, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, elder abuse. -Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it […]

What extent do cognitive factors play a role in the experience of emotion?

Key readings in cognitive Psychology. All key readings are attached. To what extent do cognitive factors play a role in the experience of emotion? Taught sessions focused on the evidence underlying the original formulation of the Two Factor Theory and went on to consider subsequent relevant research and theory. In this Seen essay you should […]

Explain what your organization can learn from this mistake and ways to improve communication in the future.

Organizational Theory and Behavior Unit V PowerPoint For the Unit V PowerPoint Presentation, you will continue to work on your course project, and you will present on the ways in which your selected organization will reduce errors in communication. Start by researching your organization, and determine if they have made an error in communication through […]

which of the categories would be utilized? Explain the significance of the category/categories chosen-how it is relevant

RES 312: Module 3 Discussion In this discussion review “Learning Theory” by Robert M. Gagne. “ For a clinical learning activity, such as the use of an MDI (metered dose inhaler), which of the categories would be utilized? Explain the significance of the category/categories chosen and how it is relevant  

How did the process of change lead to quality improvement in practice?

Description Find a peer-reviewed article where evidence-based practice was used to institute change in the nursing profession. Discuss which change theory led to quality improvement. Follow these steps to complete your assignment. 1. Summarize the article 2. How did the process of change lead to quality improvement in practice? 3. What is the nurse’s role […]

Examine the internal and external culture through the lens of behavioral indicators, and offer suggestions to increase organizational results.

Description After this week’s reading and discussion, share in a journal assignment whether and how your view of the organization reviewed within the Module One discussion topic changed. Are you able to better identify benefits among certain organizational theories? Explain the theory and the specific benefit(s) (e.g., employee satisfaction, diversity, etc.). Examine the internal and […]