Describe the risk scenario with connection to a risk theory.

1. Describe the risk scenario with connection to a risk theory (Risk Scenario: /The_Risk_Management_Tool_Box_Blog/post/What_is_a_Risk_Scenario/) (Risk Theory:) 2. Evaluate the contribution that specific risk frameworks provide (discuss at least 3) (I attached 4 frameworks for you to reference) 3. Following the PRAM framework, document the process (All 7 areas) (I attached the PRAM framework for your […]

Choose and treatment model/approach/theory and briefly explain it. Describe how this client/group/program/system is viewed through that model or theory such as PCTI, attachment theory, CBT etc. see above list of models).

Brief Assessment of the client (trauma related issues) or group (trauma related issues and dynamics, purpose of the group) or program/system its purpose, goals, clients it serves, how it relates to trauma): Choose and treatment model/approach/theory and briefly explain it. Describe how this client/group/program/system is viewed through that model or theory such as PCTI, attachment […]

Identify and explain two defence mechanisms that some individuals may be using to cope with the changes which resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

a) With reference to Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual theory, explain how children’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic may influence their personality development. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks] b) Illustrate with examples, the conflicting roles that the id, ego and superego may play regarding the adherence to COVID-19 protocols. (Do not exceed 1 […]

Should health care workers be required to take a course in Ethics? Why or why not Discuss

Articulate again your moral theory from week eight discussion (You can revise it if you wish). What two ethical theories best apply to it? Why those two? Apply to Jane Doe’s case your personal moral philosophy as developed in week eight discussion and now. Use it to determine if what Jane Doe did was ethical […]

What is moral and immoral per your theory? How would the veil of ignorance or a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case?

Initial Post Instructions Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why the contents are important and meaningful for you. List its precepts. Take your personal ethical […]

Choose the theory that is the most persuasive between the globalization theory of Neo-Marxist or Institutionalism, and use examples from culture, economy ad/or environment to prove that the theory is persuasive.Discuss

Choose the theory that is the most persuasive between the globalization theory of Neo-Marxist or Institutionalism, and use examples from culture, economy ad/or environment to prove that the theory is persuasive.

How would the veil of ignorance or a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case?Discuss

Initial Post Instructions Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why the contents are important and meaningful for you. List its precepts. Take your personal ethical […]