Outline what social work theory might be relevant for the assessment and intervention in this case.

You are the social worker for Rosie’s case. Outline what social work theory might be relevant for the assessment and intervention in this case. Show your understanding of these theoretical ideas (explain them) and apply the ideas to the case. (Be careful to not use too many theoretical ideas) Discuss the theories used and consider […]

Critically discuss 3 theories of development and the role of culture within them.

Description Critically discuss 3 theories of development and the role of culture within them. 1500 words So this could be 3 of the following Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory Banduras Social Learning Theory Eriksons Psychosocial Development Theory Freuds Psychosexual Development Theory Bowlbys Attachment Theory Also needs to include an additional 700 word research proposal based on […]

Which theory do you find more persuasive?Discuss

Some historians argue that great events occur because of impersonal forces beyond the control of individuals (for example, technological change or economic changes). Others prefer to emphasize the contributions of key individuals, and the particular decisions they make at particular moments. Which theory do you find more persuasive? Use one of our key events (the […]

Describe one theory about human development that you learned in this course. Be sure to use developmental psychology terminology and provide the name of the theorist or the perspective associated with the theory.

Description Question #1 (5 points) Describe one theory about human development that you learned in this course. Be sure to use developmental psychology terminology and provide the name of the theorist or the perspective associated with the theory. Then, discuss how you can directly apply the theory to your life. Be specific. Question #2 (5 […]

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each theory using the last two columns of the Ethical Theory Matrix Template.

The basic principles of health care ethics: nonmaleficence, beneficence, utility, distributive justice, and autonomy. An explanation of each principle as well as your own example to illustrate the application of each. Instructions Drawing from the material covered in the resources as well as your own research, complete this assessment using the Ethical Theory Matrix Template […]

Discuss What are some social scientific facts/findings, such as rates and percentages of this victimization?

CJ 360 Victims of Crime Term Paper Guidelines Title Page: The title should tell the reader what the study is about, not just identify the type of victimization. Introduction (suggested 1 pg.) 1. Briefly introduce your topic. What type of victimization does your paper focus on? 2. Why is this topic important to study? Who […]

Provide a thought-provoking fact that you came across researching the topic that will pique your reader’s interest. 

Introduction (2-3 sentences) Provide a thought-provoking fact that you came across researching the topic that will pique your reader’s interest. NOTE: Introductions and conclusions may be written after the body of the paper is completed. Research in Constraints Research Instructions: In the Trident Online Library use the term: constraint theory. Refine your Search and select: Scholarly & Peer-Review Journal […]

Analyze the historical impact of modernist and postmodernist family therapy theorists associated with the chosen models.

Define relevant concepts of one modernist and one postmodernist family therapy theory. Analyze the historical impact of modernist and postmodernist family therapy theorists associated with the chosen models. Articulate how one modernist and one postmodernist family therapy theory affect the stance and role of the family therapist. Differentiate the theories of change in one modernist […]

What do you wish you had learned going into the presentations that would have helped you to better understand them?

Part 1: Background Info for Each Presentation: • Presenter’s Name & Institutional Affiliation • Title of Presentation • Short description of the topic (in your own words) • A description of their research/topic, including points such as o The research question o Theory used o Sample description o Variables & measurement o Findings o Policy […]