Discuss your selection including the strengths and potential barriers to implement a health promotion strategy that you may wish to articulate in your community or group of interest.

Community and Health Promotion Models Topic 1. Explore the models for Community and Health Promotion mentioned below: Ecological models The health belief model Stages of change model (trans-theoretical model) Social cognitive Theory Theory of reasoned action/planned behavior After studying those models select one that you consider could be used as framework for a health promotion […]

What conditions would suggest that a company should buy a training program from an outside vendor?

Discussion 3 and 4 Chapter 3 page 1 question: What conditions would suggest that a company should buy a training program from an outside vendor? Which would suggest that the firm should develop the program itself? Chapter 4 page 2 question: Compare and contrast any two of the following theories: expectancy theory, social learning theory, […]

Identify the values and beliefs that you feel are important in nursing and why you feel they are important.

Philosophy of Nursing While this is your personal philosophy of nursing, you must include and reference a nursing theory (Chapter 9) that resonates with your personal philosophy. Reflect on what is important to you as an individual and as a nursing student. Think about what you believe and what you value. Develop a paper that […]

Review the resources on nursing competencies and nursing theory and consider how these inform your practice.

Question Review the resources and clinical skills in the PMHNP Clinical Skills List document. It is recommended that you print out this document to serve as a guide throughout your practicum. Review the “Developing SMART Goals” resource on how to develop goals and objectives that follow the SMART framework. Review the resources on nursing competencies […]

What is the impact and outcome of these patterns and how they related to how gender works in our society?

Question Research process: Visit a store that has children’s items (clothes, books, toys), via their website or in person when it is safe to do so Search on or go to one specific item type (clothes or books or toys) and take note of what they look like. How are they arranged? Are they ‘color-coded” […]

What leadership characteristic or skill stood out to you this week in your preceptor?

leadership on Fieldwork In your reading this week, you examined different models of leadership and management. As you analyze your current fieldwork experience and observe the leadership style and management practices of your current preceptor, identify a model or theory that your preceptor exhibits in their practice as a leader. What leadership characteristic or skill […]

How do you think the broken windows theory served as an introduction to community-oriented policing? Explain.

Assignment Details Police departments that are ready to implement a community-policing program or project can align their overall plan as well as their goals and objectives based upon various theories. The broken windows theory focuses on the prevention of crime by working to eliminate citizens’ fears, social isolation, and community deterioration. The community-policing program or […]

Describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction.

Wk3 synthesis Part 1: Research the sources of a substance abuse problem utilizing either Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, or Social Control Theory to explain how one might acquire the characteristics which would eventually lead to a lifetime of addiction. Part 2: For your chosen source theory, create a prevention program using what you have learned from that […]