Discuss the people and experiences that influenced their ideas,their theories

Counselling: ●Research Carl rogers one of the MAJOR contributors to counselling , ●Give a brief overview of their background (no more than 200 words). ●Discuss a) the people and experiences that influenced their ideas; b) their theories; c) their counselling approach (which includes therapeutic techniques and practices); and d) the significance of their contribution to […]

When was this theory created and what was the circumstances of its need for creation?Explain.

THE THEORY TO BE USED IS Spector’s Health Traditions Model Then, discuss the following in 2–4 pages, excluding the title and reference pages: Who created the theory? When was this theory created and what was the circumstances of its need for creation? What are the main components of the theory? Apply this theory directly to […]

Discuss the efficacy of play therapy in working with abused children and adolescents (use text and at least three articles to support your work) attach reference list.

Scholarly Dialogue & Interactive Clinical Activity Discussion Question 1: Discuss the efficacy of play therapy in working with abused children and adolescents (use text and at least three articles to support your work) attach reference list. Discussion 2: Briefly discuss the tenets of attachment theory. Must be support with three scholarly sources. Attach reference list. […]

Discuss,How the theory can be used in practice,Important constructs of the theory

Requirements points Points earned Introduction: (Setting the stage of the paper) 0 -Nursing Theorist 1 Founder of the theory (5) Name of the theory (5) Important constructs of the theory (5) How the theory can be used in practice (5) Minimum of 2 current (within 5 years) sources that the theory used and cite them […]

Which popular theory of dreaming, Freud’s Wish-Fulfillment theory (discuss Latent and Manifest content), Hobson and McCarley’s Activation-Synthesis model, or the Dreams-For-Survival theory best fits with your belief about what dreams are and what they mean, if anything, and explain why.

Please watch the following video, Sleep Disorders: The Dreaming Brain: After watching this video, please write a reaction paper in which you discuss/summarize the video and link it to concepts from the text (ensure that you reference material from the video and from the text – include page numbers for the material you reference from […]

Discuss your points with reference to relevant theory and research. Extend insight by reflecting on your experience of a minimum of 2 of the class negotiation exercises. Illustrate how these negotiations were shaped and directed by your selected dynamics, therefore demonstrating your understanding of both theory and practice.

Drawing on relevant theory, research, and reflecting on your own experience of class negotiation exercises, discuss 1-2 dynamics that shape and direct the outcomes of the negotiation process. Example points for discussion (choose 1-2 to address in essay): power, ethics, trust, reciprocity, culture, information exchange… Draw on a minimum of 12 scholarly sources. Discuss your […]

Describe the theory, make connections with why you feel it is valuable, and discuss its weaknesses if considered on its own.

You have had the opportunity to review organizational theory in Chapter 4 Classical Theories Choose one that you personally resonate with and describe the theory, make connections with why you feel it is valuable, and discuss its weaknesses if considered on its own.

xplain why certain phenomenon occur in international relations. International relations methods attempt to chart out a course of action to study phenomenon in international relations. Is there a relationship between theory and method? Can studies in international relations take place only employing theory and not method? What about with method and no theory?

Term Paper Prompts Your term paper is worth 40% of your course grade and will be graded out of 40. It is expected to be in essay format. You may be required to consult outside material for your term paper to develop your argument or analysis. Your term paper will be graded along 4 criteria. […]

Brief discussion of theory origins, scope/level of theory and how the theory relates to the concept of interest

Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). APA format. Provide a brief description of the theory using an original source or as close to the original source as possible. Include a brief discussion of the origins of the […]

Summarize what was already studied on this subject matter. What theory supports your hypothesis?

Reearch_proJect This semester you were given the opportunity to be psychologists and practice applied psychology. this assignment is a reflection of what you learned as a psychologist. You will be graded on the folbwing Introduction (10 points): this should include your hypothesis and the reason you chose this topic Background (10 points): this comes from […]