Is it some personal characteristic of individual people, as the critics you have read would have it?

Divine Command Theory Whatever the technical merits or flaws of any particular version of the Divine Command Theory, what is it, would you say, that attracts people to it? Is it some personal characteristic of individual people, as the critics you have read would have it? Or is it something about the nature of morality? […]

Do you personally think this theory is credible-What do you think is the social impact of the theory?

Conspiracy theories The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate understanding of the criteria for evaluation of conspiracy theories by applying them to a theory of your choice. 1. Study class notes on conspiracy A theories to get acquainted with the criteria for their evaluation. 2. Choose one conspiracy theory and explain it […]

Describe the topic area in a few sentences and explain why you found this topic intriguing.

The goal for this assignment is have you reflect on what you have learned thus far in this course and to connect this learning to your everyday life, so that you can better appreciate the practical value of scientific psychology. Write a brief essay addressing the following issues. First, which topic covered in the course […]

Which theory or model did your group choose and which Healthy People 2030 objective/topic did you connect it to as a group?

Identify the article your group wrote their assignment about. Which theory or model did your group choose and which Healthy People 2030 objective/topic did you connect it to as a group? Provide a summary of your group’s work in five to seven sentences. Then select a different Healthy People 2030 objective/topic and connect it to […]

What the benefits of those are, and also what the potential challenges are.

While the importance of EDIĀ  is acknowledged by many contemporary organisations, translating EDI principles into practice is a complex issue. Discuss the means, benefits and challenges of implementing EDI in the workplace. Include two organisations as examples. Further details. This essay gives you the opportunity to discuss the link between EDI theory and practice. To […]

Discuss how stakeholders are integrated into the design of the theory or model.

Appraisal of the Evidence to Address the Practice Problem: Include the following: Identify the level of evidence. Provide a quality rating of the evidence. Appraise and support the suitability of the evidence to address the practice problem. Selection of a Translation Theory or Model (1-2 paragraphs) Present the components of the theory. Discuss how stakeholders […]

Give us a quick overview of the theory and then tell us how that theory explains your problem.

Week 9: Putting Theory to Work This week, instead of discussing the readings, you’ll discuss your final paper. Share parts of your final paper with the class. Briefly discuss your problem. Briefly explain the theory you used. Give us a quick overview of the theory and then tell us how that theory explains your problem. […]

Explain the difference between value theories and normative ethics.

Explain the difference between value theories and normative ethics. Provide an example of a value theory and provide an example of a normative philosophy. Define intrinsic value and instrumental value. Provide examples for each. Define psychological egoism and define ethical egoism. Explain the difference between them. What is a consequentialism? Explain act utilitarianism and the […]