Discuss five different examples of therapeutics and pharmacotherapy and how they maintain a healthy life style, or prevent disease or prevent complication of the disease.

Discuss five different examples of therapeutics and pharmacotherapy and how they maintain a healthy life style, or prevent disease or prevent complication of the disease. This activity is tied to: Course Objective 6: Explain the applications of pharmacodynamics to the nursing practice. Course Objective 7: Compare and contrast therapeutics and pharmacology  

Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs.

A 46-year-old, 230lb woman with a family history of breast cancer. She is up to date on yearly mammograms. She has a history of HTN. She complains of hot flushing, night sweats, and genitourinary symptoms. She had felt well until 1 month ago and she presented to her gynecologist for her annual gyn examination and […]