What types of diagnostic screening and interviewing should you do?

Differential Screening Review the materials provided for Lecture 2. Consider the topic of suspected elder abuse. Post the process that you would follow to determine if an older client was being abused, including an assessment tool other than the EASI described in the lecture. Assume this patient came to the Physical-therapy clinic after experiencing a […]

Discuss whether there is specific training related to confidentiality, including who leads the training and how often it is required.

When working with students with exceptionalities, it is important to understand the roles of various members of the special education team. Administrators, paraprofessionals, service providers (such as a speech, occupational, and physical therapists), teachers, and school nurses can all be members of this group, depending on the individual needs of the student. Understanding the role […]

List two attributes you have which you consider crucial to being an effective Occupational Therapist

It’s a question and answer type of paper. Just answer the questions and elaborate. Provide five short answers to help us learn more about you: An Occupational Therapist enables people to engage in occupations they want to do, need to do, or are expected to do. What is an occupation you enjoy engaging in, and […]

What are some of the unique ethical quandaries that therapists face when they work with the family system?

Family Ethical Dilemma What are some of the unique ethical quandaries that therapists face when they work with the family system? Your response should be a minimum of 350 words, in proper APA format with appropriate in-text citations and works cited at the end of the response.

Describe in at least 500 words how you have handled a mistake that you made and what you can change to prevent the same mistake from happening again.

Mistakes Effective therapists make mistakes and are willing to admit them (p.20). They do not dismiss their errors lightly, yet they do not choose to dwell on misery.Describe in at least 500 words how you have handled a mistake that you made and what you can change to prevent the same mistake from happening again.

Describe what your identity is along with what you believe is essential for you to recognize what you are capable of becoming

Identify Effective therapists have an identity (p.19). They know who they are, what they are capable of becoming, what they want out of life, and what is essential.Describe what your identity is along with what you believe is essential for you to recognize what you are capable of becoming

How have cultural factors in this family affected the index person and the family system as a whole? How has this been similar or different, across different generations?Explain

This assignment has two parts, the Genogram Drawing and the Written Narrative. The body of your Written Narrative paper (not including title page, references, etc.) should be 10-15 typed, double-spaced pages. Please do not exceed 15 pages of text, as there is only one of me, and there are many of you! Genogram Project – Part […]

What excites you most about practicing marriage and family therapy?Discuss

1)An intervention is anything we do as therapists. How are content interventions different from process interventions? Your textbook lists the following process management tools. Which of these might come most naturally to you? Why? Focusing. Increasing intensity. Marking boundaries. Unbalancing. Making the covert overt. 2)In this course, you were introduced to the unique ways that […]

Designing treatment plans is a common practice in the mental health field. What is the purpose of a treatment plan? What unique factors are considered in a marriage and family therapy treatment plan?Explain

1)Marriage and family therapy approaches a solution differently from current mental health and medical approaches. How do we as marriage and family therapists approach and think about solutions? 2)Designing treatment plans is a common practice in the mental health field. What is the purpose of a treatment plan? What unique factors are considered in a […]