Do you believe that we have an ethical responsibility to leave the earth’s natural systems in as good a condition as they are now or better? Explain.

Final exam Answer the following 21 questions listed below will help you prepare for my final Exam. These questions are not taken verbatim from the exam and do not cover every topic area associated with the final exam 1. Make a numbered list of five ways in which you unnecessarily waste energy during a typical […]

What pressure should a safety pressure valve be adjusted to achieve a maximum temperature of 200°C if one is installed?

Engineering thermodynamics A piston/cylinder contains carbon dioxide at 300 kPa, 100°C with a volume of 0.2 m^3. Weights are added at such a rate that the gas compresses according to the relation PV^1.2 = constant to a final temperature of 200°C. Find the work done during the process. A cylinder/piston contains 1kg methane gas at […]

How effectively does the RFP describe what the issuing organization expects to see in the proposal-Is it relatively general or specific?

Thermodynamics Read Chapter 16. Go to and research engineering contract opportunities or a different area of interest. The Subject is already chosen so no need for the reasearch. Link : The question 2 on page 460 is : TEAM EXERCISE Form groups according to major. Using the government contracting website (, find and […]

Describe the process of the hydraulic press or jack. You should include the principle of pressure transmission through a fluid and how the relative cross-sectional areas of the pistons contribute to the process

Q3  An air compressor takes in air at a rate or 0.02 kg.s-1 and a specific enthalpy of 280  The specific enthalpy at the exit of the compressor is 401  To achieve this, the compressor requires work to be input at a rate of 2.75 kW. A  Use a control volume approach and sketch […]

Analyze the performance of a Honda GX100 gasoline engine.

Full instructions is in Thermal Power Systems Final Report pdf. Please follow the directions fully from that pdf, and fill out tables, values and graphs and the conclusion questions at the end. You are to analyze the performance of a Honda GX100 gasoline engine. This final project will require knowledge of thermodynamics, power systems, and […]