How long will it take until our measurements of the coffee’s temperature are indistinguishable from room temperature?

Background: When a function f(t) represents some real-world quantity, its limit as 𝑡→∞t→∞ represents the “long-term” behavior. Often, this kind of limit can be evaluated through algebraic methods. However, in more difficult cases, limits can be evaluated in terms of their individual parts by applying limit laws (see p. 95 from Section 2.3). As we […]

What is your hypothesis? (Your hypothesis should link the dependent and independent variables, showing their relationship):

Topic: SCIENCE RESEARCH PROJECT – How does initial temperature affect the time taken for water to freeze Complete the Planning Sheet (attached as word doc “Planning Sheet”) Complete the Logbook (attached as word doc “LOG BOOK Template”) Prepare a SCIENTIFIC REPORT as per the checklist provided. Report must include tables and graphs showing the investigation […]