Provide two recommendations on what Walgreens might do differently going forward with their entry strategy?

International Market Modes of entry into an international market are the channels which organizations employ to gain entry to a new international market. Within our Thompson (2022) text, read Chapter 7 Assurance of Learning Exercise 2 related to Walgreens’ mode(s) international market entry and respond to the following questions: What was Walgreens’ entry strategy designed […]

How do the company’s most important resources and capabilities create lasting competitive advantage?

A company’s resources and capabilities are integral to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Refer to your Thompson (2022) readings and the required videos. For this assignment, consider a company you worked for or one that you know well. Develop your analysis by responding to the following questions: What are the company’s most important resources and why? […]

How can analytical tools be used to create value for an organization?

Post a 225- to 300-word (3- to 4-paragraph) analysis of how an organization can use analytical tools to create value and develop a strategy to achieve and maintain competitive advantage. In your analysis, address the following: What might the advantages be for a business of using SWOTT over SWOT analysis? Are there any other aspects […]

Write at least 1 paragraph comparing Thompson’s account to their account of the election cycle, and what has changed?

50 years separates Thompson’s coverage of his election campaign and the current coverage of the 2022 elections. In 500 words talk about one of the candidates mentioned anywhere in the 2022 articles. Come up with at least 5 sources about them, and see if you can find details about how they spent the election night. […]

What insights do Chiang and Peterson have to offer us that are not necessarily evident in the ancient story?

Myth in Adaptation & Interpretation Thompson and Schrempp discuss myth’s ability to adapt with the times, and to be retold or reinterpreted anew with each generation. They also discuss the tenuous relationship between myth and history. This week, you also read the biblical story of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) that was written down […]

What do you think is the most important issue for Corrections in the next 10-20 years-Explain your answer.

Course text- “American Corrections: Looking forward” Clear and Cole American Corrections Wadsworth/Thompson (2016) (eleventh edition). 1. Answer the topic question in your own words. List and define the five correctional dilemmas 2. What do you think is the most important issue for Corrections in the next 10-20 years? Explain your answer.