How did Plato’s view affect Augustine’s later religious view of marriage?

Socratic Project as described in the Apology. Socrates is pursuing the truth about the Good life. The Oracle said he is the wisest person. Be able to explain why Socrates did not accept this statement. Know the process of elenchus and the 5 steps. Why is it significant that Socrates finds the contradiction in someone’s […]

Do you think Plato is radical or conservative in his views on women?

Choose any 1 of the topics below : 1. Thrasymachus maintains that justice is whatever is in the interest of the stronger, that is, those in power determine what is right and wrong according to what they perceive to be to their advantage. Socrates gets Thrasymachus to agree that ruling is an art, and that, […]

What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is?Discuss

• What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is? Taking into account these definitions, has Socrates proven his point that being unjust is worse than being just? (Republic, I & IV, also see Book IX)