How did your company do in 2019—did they perform better than in 2018 and 2017? Do they have any space on their careers page dedicated to diversity?

Diversity in the Workplace 2019, when reviewing a list of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, less than 5% are women—in fact, there are more men named David that are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies than there are women CEOs. As we discussed, when leadership at the executive level is diverse, companies are more profitable. So […]

How would this individual’s leadership style be characterized in terms of the path-goal theory of leadership? Explain.

Leadership of Apple CEO Tim Cook Using your favorite search engine, conduct research on a well-known leader of a corporation. (Tim Cook). The goal of your research is to answer the following questions about the leader you chose: Based upon your research, what type of behavioral leadership style does/did the individual practice? Task-oriented, people-oriented, or […]