Where did the article come from-What is the article claiming-Do you agree/disagree with the article’s claim​?

Economics Current Event Article Guidelines Article must have some type of Economic concept Summary should be at least 1 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font Possible questions to answer in your summary Where did the article come from? What is the article claiming? Do you agree/disagree with the article’s claim​? What is […]

Did the case cause any changes within law enforcement? If so, what were the changes? This is a fact based essay.

Chapter 13 of your textbook covers numerous cases that have addressed multiple issues within the law. Choose one of the cases mentioned in chapter 13. Write an essay providing an overview of the case and the issue the case addressed. Did the case cause any changes within law enforcement? If so, what were the changes? […]

Explain what the policy is-Provide a brief history of the policy.-Why was it created (was it a reaction to some issue, a political move, etc.)?

Use of Body Worn Cameras All written assignments should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, with 1″ margins all around. Citations should follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). Anything that is not your original thought or words, MUST be cited to the appropriate source. To not cite others’ ideas and […]

What are some of the reasons people may choose to vote -reasons why some people choose not to vote?

Write a three to five paragraph essay on voting in the United States. What are some of the reasons people may choose to vote and reasons why some people choose not to vote? What are some reasons why some people who would normally want to vote, cannot vote? Has voting become easier or more difficult […]