Identify the title and author of the poem you are writing about Include a thesis statement giving your opinion on interpretation Include discussion of poetic devices and vocabulary that helps support your interpretation Include context that helps support your interpretation.

  Choose: Pick your favorite poem from the Context assignment. [This does not need to be the one you were assigned for research, though choosing a poem you already have some context for may save you time.] Gather: Hopefully you have already done so, but if not: Go to the FlipGrid discussion on Context Listen […]

Discuss,Did the student remember to title the essay? If so, was the title catchy or memorable? Would you suggest any changes for the title?

WEEK 2: DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS ESSAY PEER REVIEW 99 unread replies.1515 replies. For this peer review assignment, your instructor will assign you to a team. Here is what you need to do. In your initial response, post a rough draft of at least the first page (more if possible) of your descriptive analysis essay by no […]