From a socio-political and/or economic point of view, what are the mechanisms used to circumvent the rules?

Question 1. Based on the elements learned in our course, analyze this report on drugs and identify the socio-political and economic dimensions, beyond the anecdote. Sources that you must use: Understanding Substance Use – Educators guide Clearing the smoke on cannabis This must be 1 page long. You must provide quotes as support from the […]

Does anything really work to solve profound health problems that face poor countries?

Case study: Poland Does anything really work to solve profound health problems that face poor countries? Does development assistance from rich countries make any difference at all? The magnitude and profundity of current health challenges facing the developing world from AIDS to chronic malnutrition to the looming threat of tobacco-related cancers can seem daunting. But […]

Does anything really work to solve profound health problems that face poor countries?

Case Study: Sub-Sarahan Africa Does anything really work to solve profound health problems that face poor countries? Does development assistance from rich countries make any difference at all? The magnitude and profundity of current health challenges facing the developing world  from AIDS to chronic malnutrition to the looming threat of tobacco-related cancers can seem daunting. […]

Write a memo for your leadership articulating and analyzing various challenges and recommendations regarding the path you think the firm should take.

In highly influential research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Sandra L. Decker and Amy Ellen Schwartz reached a curious conclusion. They found that higher alcohol prices decrease alcohol consumption and smoking participation (suggesting a complementarity in consumption). Higher cigarette prices tend to reduce smoking participation but increase drinking (meaning substitutability in consumption). […]

What are the similarities and differences between the use of legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco and the use of illicit drugs such as marijuana and cocaine?

Instructions: This week we learned about the two major legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and the issue of the discrepancy between their harm and their legal status. From a constructionist perspective, alcohol is not a drug, but from an “objectivist” or essentialist perspective, alcohol is a drug in the same sense that cocaine and the […]

write a mission statement, a review of current criminal justice policies and procedures (which should include the reasoning for the development of the status quo policies),

With all of the police misconduct in recent years, there has been a push for some type of reform. The reforms include but are not limited to defunding the police, disbanding the police, reorganization of police departments and writing new laws that would allow for easier prosecution of police misconduct. In this project, you will […]

What are your impressions on why nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications are not enough in preventing use? Despite the 50% decrease in use since 1965 reported by the CDC 201, this deadly substance is still legal and marketed nationwide.

Thinking about the treatment of tobacco, what are your impressions on why nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications are not enough in preventing use? Despite the 50% decrease in use since 1965 reported by the CDC 201, this deadly substance is still legal and marketed nationwide. What are your impressions on why nicotine continues to […]

How true is this statement-Using examples from one developed nation and one LMIC nation analyse the differences (if any) in policies pursued by big tobacco companies, and evaluate the reasons for this.

As the promotion and sale of cigarettes has become more restricted in the developed world, tobacco companies have begun to market their products more aggressively in low and middle income countries (LMICs)”. How true is this statement? Using examples from one developed nation and one LMIC nation analyse the differences (if any) in policies pursued […]

Do you support the company’s decision to discontinue the sale of tobacco products-Explain your response.

CVS CEO Watch the following video entitled “CVS CEO: It’s a ‘Contradiction’ to Help People Be Healthier and Sell Tobacco Products” and critically respond to the following questions: 1. Assume you are an employee of CVS and part of your compensation package is a profit-sharing program whereby your compensation is influenced by the financial […]

How has technology changed on the farm over the past 100 years-Are there family owned tobacco farms today if not why not?

How has Agriculture Impacted the South over the past 100 years? Students will research a topic of their choice, culminating in an analytical essay or some other intellectual/creative exercise they’ve discussed with me. These should be around 5-7 pages of writing and should include several academic sources that provide information and interpretive insight on their […]