What do you believe should be done to improve treatment in this area?

thinking about the treatment of tobacco, what are your impressions on why nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications are not enough in preventing use? Despite the 50% decrease in use since 1965 reported by the CDC 201, this deadly substance is still legal and marketed nationwide. What are your impressions on why nicotine continues to […]

Apply the concept of moral equivalence. Is the conduct of doctors in relation to smoking and the tobacco industry morally equivalent to the conduct of doctors in the opioid crisis? Explain your position and be very specific.

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, research the history of the association of doctors with tobacco companies and tobacco advertising. Read about the association of doctors with the opioid crisis. Then, address the following: In what way are the two situations comparable? In what way are they different? Apply the concept of moral equivalence. […]

How do you think the “big money” provided by these industries to fund alternate research efforts reflects the importance of the role of funding in research?

Using one of the two articles under the “Choose One: Short Answer” section of the module reading, explain in 1–2 paragraphs why you think scientific evidence provided by Patterson or by researchers examining the effects of second-hand cigarette smoke was countered so strongly by the big petroleum and tobacco companies. How do you think the […]