Identify the type of multi-level system that you are in at your site and provide your plan to implement your recommended implications for social work practice gathered from your research at your field internship placement.

Instructions Select (one) topic from a list of options below: Perinatal Loss and Attachment Theory Foster Care System and Infant Toddler Development Adverse Childhood Experiences and Childhood Development Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescence Substance Use in Adolescence Sexuality in Early Adulthood Occupational Transitions in Middle Adulthood The Sandwich Generation Sexuality in Late Adulthood Death and Dying: […]

How does inadequate technology affect teachers from implementing the curriculum to preschool and toddler aged children?

Research Design The research design is based on the topic found in the file titled “action research” The topic is based on The problem of practice: “how does inadequate technology affect teachers from implementing the curriculum to preschool and toddler aged children?”