Write a 2 or more-page response in which you write an alternate part of the story from a different character’s perspective or a character’s different point of view.

The Lottery Choose any of the literature that you have read in this course and respond to the following prompt: In 2 pages or more, write an alternate part of the story from a different character’s perspective (example: write from one of the villagers in “The Lottery”, or perhaps from the perspective of Tom Robinson […]

What is his attitude while testifying-How does this compare/contrast with Bob-Mayella’s attitude?

To Kill a Mockingbird The Tom Robinson Trial: Chapters 15-22 Analysis Questions BEFORE THE TRIAL 1. What happens in front of the jail cell in chapter 15? To which theme(s) does this relate best? A: THE TRIAL 2. Tom Robinson accused of what crime? By whom? A: 3. Who makes up the audience and who […]