How might you design learning experiences for class and clinical environments to promote positive and effective learning for all students?

Discussion The diversity of both students and faculty poses important considerations for teaching and learning. Reflect on the characteristic differences in gender, race, and culture, as well as the differences among the diverse generations in today’s nursing education classroom. When considering your personal philosophy of teaching, discuss how you might use these characteristic differences and […]

Describe how you would implement these strategies using SMART goals.

Part 1 – Getting Started Describe the tool you selected and why you chose this tool. Include a link to the tool. Discuss at least two strengths related to your quality of life. Identify at least two strategies to maintain or maximize these strengths. Describe how you would implement these strategies using SMART goals. Discuss […]

How has the tool been used previously? What are some studies that have utilized the tool? How well does your purpose of the tool fit in with how it has been used previously?Discuss

Come up with examples of independent, dependent, control and confounding variables that may be found in your chosen paper topic. Discuss some of the theories which will guide your research topic? Locate a test measurement tool within the mental measurement yearbook database, or PsycTESTS, you might use within your field of study or be interested […]

What would be the benefits of using the tool? What challenges would Third Star encounter from the use of the tool?

What would be the benefits of using the tool? What challenges would Third Star encounter from the use of the tool? Will implementation of a tool change the requirements of the management strategy or vice versa? What should Third Star consider regarding any security standards, privacy laws, and intended use of the tool being evaluated? […]