Describe why you have chosen this topic and how this is relevant to the context of your school/class. Provide an overview of the focus for your assignment signposting key areas you will address.

Describe why you have chosen this topic and how this is relevant to the context of your school/class. Provide an overview of the focus for your assignment signposting key areas you will address. Literature review (Approx. 1500 words) 1. Consider the literature regarding your chosen topic and in relation to your class environment and climate […]

Summarize and analyze 4-6 important readings related to topic

Research report should that desmostrate critical thinking about topic. Summarize and analyze 4-6 important readings related to topic. try to discern a particular argument and point of view in each than compare and contrast them and what ideas they share, do they disagree, engage the readings and authors critically in the process you will reveal […]

Address how the research they explored around their topic spoke to, with, and against at least three of the course readings.

__/4 demonstrated a thorough and critical understanding of selected research topic through a comprehensive synthesis of at least 8 research articles they explored for the paper. __/2 addressed how the research they explored around their topic spoke to, with, and against at least three of the course readings. __/3 articulated a critical understanding of how […]

Explain a history of your topic and real-life applications of your topic. Your real-life applications must include a through explanation of how your topic is used in the real world.

Must include a history of your topic and real-life applications of your topic. Your real-life applications must include a through explanation of how your topic is used in the real world. Just stating that something is a real-life application is not enough. The project must be written in the APA style, with a font of […]

Explain your approach to the topic or situation.Review the situation and/or context within which the topic exists.

Explain your approach to the topic or situation (APA, 2010, p. 28). Review the situation and/or context within which the topic exists. Rather than merely reviewing the articles, compare, contrast, and analyze the various aspects of your topic, points of view, or concepts to try and advance some kind of understanding of your topic. Problem […]

Explain how you approached revising your research questions to assist your instructor in understanding your approach.

Description Instructions After selecting a historical topic to research further, the next step in the research process is to create a research plan that compiles primary and secondary sources. First, applying what you just learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. Explain how you approached revising your research […]

Based on the articles that you reviewed, what conclusions did you draw about your topic? What is your proposed call to action for addressing your chosen topic?

Description The final paper will be 6 pages, double-spaced Times New Roman Font with 1-inch margins on all sides. You will need to have reviewed 5 academic articles from peer-reviewed sociological journals. Your paper should be organized as follows: Introduction: what is your topic and why have you chosen it? Body: the body of the […]

Critically assess the existing research on a topic, define a research question and consider the ethical design of research to enable the collection and analysis of relevant data

On completion of this unit you should be able to: 1 Demonstrate the following: Knowledge and understanding of the social research process and methodology from selecting a topic to the presentation of findings. 2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Critically assess the existing research on a topic, define a research question and consider the […]