Summarize the background info about the author, outline main arguments, assess strengths and weaknesses, and relevancy to the topic or research.

Description Chansky, Dorothy. “Arthur Miller’s America: Theatre and Culture in a Time of Change.” Theatre Research International, vol. 32, no. 2, 2007, pp. 227–28. Emami, Kaveh Khodambashi. “An Anti-Social Socialist: A Critical Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research, vol. 2, no. 2, 2011. Miller, Arthur. Death Of […]

Who is speaking and why? What situation or event inspired the poet to write the sonnet? What is the speaker’s attitude towards his topic?

Paraphrase the sonnet, translating it word-for-word into simple, clear modern English prose. Pay attention to the sentence, not the line, as the principal unit of organization. Look for the main subject and verb to straighten out the syntax where you need to. Summarize the sonnet into one-or two-sentences. Context & Tone: Who is speaking and […]

What could they do to make the information more clear? Do you have any suggestions for improving their content?

Description Answer the following questions THOROUGHLY using proper grammar and sentence structure: Do you understand their topic and solutions? What could they do to make the information more clear? Do you have any suggestions for improving their content? Have they used the correct APA format? Did you see any typos they could fix?

What is your reference? Does this topic involve a correlation between 2 variables? Is there a question about weather one variable is causing the trend in the other? What is the justification for causation? Is there some other reasonable cause? Where does debate stand on this issue?

Description Grade based on the following. What is your reference? Does this topic involve a correlation between 2 variables? Is there a question about weather one variable is causing the trend in the other? What is the justification for causation? Is there some other reasonable cause? Where does debate stand on this issue?

Analyze the cause and effects of a topic in the news, using the news article as a primary source.

To write acause and effect essay, the writer will need to determine a scenario in which one action or event cause dcertaineffectsto occur. The focus of the essay will be to explain what took place and why. Claims of cause and effect argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to […]

How does the information in the book compare to academic journals written on the same topic?

The following is a suggested outline for your profile report. Title page Include the full APA formatted reference as well as a picture of the front cover, # of pages, and a quick review (125 words or less), your rating (out of 5 stars). Introduction (.5 pages) Get the reader’s attention Provide a clear road […]

What role will historical research play in your work? What theoriesand conceptsrelated to Gothic Horrorwill you be applying to this topic?

ENG 510 (Section 011):Essay Proposal(15% of final grade)Due: Wednesday, October 28(via D2L by 11:59 p.m.)Length: 2 pages (double-spaced)Overview: The research paper is a significant piece of well-researched writing, and we all need to make sure everyone is on the right track before progressingtoo far in the work. Therefore, the proposal is a preliminary step that […]

Identify and discuss what is known/not known about the topic and the gap in knowledge the study is intended to fill.

  1, Identify and discuss what is known/not known about the topic and the gap in knowledge the study is intended to fill. 2, Identify and discuss the research design, purpose of the study, and setting. 3, Identify and discuss the following about the sample: method; size; inclusion/exclusion criteria, attrition/loss to follow up/response rate, if […]

Is the purpose, problem, or question clearly stated?Is there a compelling case for why the topic is interesting, important, or timely?Explain.

Research an article from the business literature discussing key elements from Chapters 2 & 3 ( The textbook to use is called strategic management concepts and cases competitiveness and globalisation by Michael Hitt and Ireland 2016 or earlier edition Summarise and analyze the article using material and concepts from these chapters. Reference and citation: APA […]