Identify the key concepts from your references and explain how they pertain to your topic.

This draft of your capstone should include your abstract, introduction, and literature review. This is a scholarly paper and should be written in APA formatting. You should use in-text citations for all references as well as a reference page at the end of each draft. You should take all feedback and improve upon your paper […]

Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic.Describe the basic argument of apposing viewpoints.

1. Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic. 2. Describe the basic argument of apposing viewpoints. 3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both views. 4. Choose which view you agree with (Only in the conclusion). 5. Explain why you agree with that view. 6. Use proper APA formatting. Include in-text citations […]

What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about?

After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you keep and what might you change? What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about? Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be?