Summarize and critique the article, then explain how it relates to the topics learned in the course.

Visit the Blog and select an article that relates to the topics discussed. Summarize and critique the article, then explain how it relates to the topics learned in the course. Be sure to source the article in the traditional APA format. Be sure to include the article link.

What three key ideas were most significant from the readings,Two ideas/topics from the readings that you would like to explore or discuss further

Module #1 Discussion Consider the readings for this module concerning case study protocol. In your post, address the following: 1. What three key ideas were most significant from the readings; 2. Two ideas/topics from the readings that you would like to explore or discuss further; and 3. One element/issue/concept that you found difficult in your […]

How does this film connect or relate to the topics we have covered/discussed in class and/or in the required resources? Does it confirm any specific information that we covered or that you read? Does it contradict any specific information that we covered or that you read?Discuss.

1. How does this film connect or relate to the topics we have covered/discussed in class and/or in the required resources? Does it confirm any specific information that we covered or that you read? Does it contradict any specific information that we covered or that you read? 2. In addition to information in the film […]

Identify at least four issues related to the topic choice.

OURCES AND ISSUES on this assignment, prepare a references page in APA style in which you include all the sources you plan to discuss in your literature review (AT LEAST seven, no more than ten). Because formatting is an important consideration in this assignment, attach it as a Word document. DO NOT post directly on […]

How do these topics relate to human capital management? Identify and explain where the information presented on your blog falls within the SHRM competencies for HR practitioners. Where is it covered in your textbook (chapter and section).

Blog Learning Journal Assignment: Follow your blog regularly during the period of time between journal entries. Your learning journal discussion should convey the following: 1. What topics were discussed on your blog during the time period? Identify both the topics, important information presented, and what you learned. 2. How do these topics relate to human […]