Write down equations that apply to the topic being demonstrated and state their meaning.

Watch the following three videos and describe each video in detail with your own words. Write down equations that apply to the topic being demonstrated and state their meaning. Think of examples/uses of these topics in everyday life. State your conclusions. Rotational Equilibrium, Torque: Universal law of gravitation: & gravitational pull (Sun, Earth, and Moon)

Suppose the length of a wrench is 0.2 meters and the applied force is 100 N.

Sample Question 1: Suppose the length of a wrench is 0.2 meters and the applied force is 100 N.If the force is exerted perpendicular to the wrench, what is the torque? If you apply the force with anangle, do you think that the torque will be decreased or increased?Solution: Use the formula, T = Fd. […]