Explain Karl Popper’s accusation that Plato’s political philosophy is a form of totalitarianism.

Plato’s Political philosophy 1. Answer the following questions in a clear and organized paragraph. 2. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise topic (1-2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt. 3. 1 direct quote from the materials of the course. 4. At least 5-7 sentences or more than analyze the direct quotes and […]

Choose one of the seven types of government discussed during the first week of class (anarchy, theocracy, socialism, monarchy, communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship) and compare and contrast it with the United States (Class discussions, articles, textbook, outside sources).

For the first paper assignment, choose one of the seven types of government discussed during the first week of class (anarchy, theocracy, socialism, monarchy, communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship) and compare and contrast it with the United States (Class discussions, articles, textbook, outside sources). For this assignment, use at least 1 scholarly article and cite appropriately.

Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century?

Chapter 3, Total War, Totalitarianism, and the Arts (please answer questions in complete sentences.) 1. Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century? 2. In Owen’s Dulce Et Decorum Est, why does the poet try to reconcile the technology of modern war with traditional ideas of patriotism? […]