What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States?

What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States? Without trade, the United States produces AND CONSUMES 32,500 units of clothing and 125,000 cans of soda. Without trade, Brazil produces AND CONSUMES 50,000 units of clothing and 25,000 cans of soda. Denote these points on each COUNTRY’s production possibility frontier. Using […]

Analyse the trade relations of your country of choice with other economies. With reference to one or more theories of trade explain the patterns of trade you identify from an economic perspective.

Description You are required to select one of the following countries and individually perform the tasks below. Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey. *CHOOSE COUNTRY OF CHOICE, WHICHEVER IS EASY TO FIND INFORMATION. Perform the following tasks: 1. Analyse the […]

What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times.select one from these current trends:a)Covid 19b)Black Lives matterc) Brexitd)USA China Trade ware) The rise of the Internet Revolution etc)

1MGMT8054 Individual assignment: Report–(Individual assignment-40%)CONSULTANCY REPORT-What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times.Please select one from these current trends:a)Covid 19b)Black Lives matterc)Brexitd)USA China Trade ware) The rise of the Internet Revolutionetc)This assessment requires students to provide a briefing report as a consultant on a key global issue in international business management. The length ofthis […]

What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth?

• In essay, evaluate trade barriers !! • Why do countries impose trade barriers? • What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? • Now choose a country (other than Saudi Arabia) and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen country. […]

If the two countries specialize and trade, which country will import chips? Explain.

Curve Part 1 – Check Your Understanding​- ​The economy of Macrostan can produce only two goods: chips and pretzels. At any given period of time, the people of Macrostan may choose to produce only chips, only pretzels, or a combination of the two according to the table below. *For consistency put chips on the y […]

Identify a few of the primary advantages as well as admit some of the disadvantages, and show a couple good, creative examples.

Show how this medium form persuades people. Basically, the specialty is the production of ancillary forms of branded “giveaways” such as SWAG (stuff we all get) that you’d find given away at Trade Shows as “reminder promotion” like fridge magnets, mugs, Tshirts, etc. Dig through some association websites to find some really “persuasive” examples. You […]

Discuss,What products being traded now? Technological advances of each party? What are the comparative advantages of each party?

it’s a thesis final project, with a literature review (using academic bibliography) and normal (websites, OECD, journals, news, reports … as references The format: (the writer is free to ADD more sections if necessary) 1. Executive summary (1 page) 2. Introduction (2 pages) Study the trade relations between A and B 3. Literature Review (around […]