Provide a numerical example of special order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations

Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing. Explain how ABC is used inmanufacturing by providing a numerical example Q2. Provide a numerical example of special order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations  

What impact will this decision have on the state of the Saudi economy in general?

Zainab Accounting Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing. Explain how ABC is used in manufacturing by providing a numerical example.(3 Marks) Note: Your answer must include suitable numerical examples. You are required to assume values of your own and they should not be copied from any sources.(Week 7, Chapter […]

What are the auditor’s possible defenses against lawsuits filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934?

LEGAL LIABILITY CONCEPT CHECK 1. What are the four major sources of auditors’ legal liability? 2. Compare and contrast traditional auditors’ legal responsibilities to clients and third-party users under common law. How has that law changed in recent years? 3. What are the auditor’s possible defenses against lawsuits filed under the Securities Exchange Act of […]

Describe how can we overcome the “old school” mentality of remote work and what are some development tools that can help employees/managers with the transition.

Organizational Development Manual You are a new general manager for a large organization. With the current environment of being in a pandemic, working from home is now the new norm. Many traditional “old school” managers are now being forced into remote working, and many are having difficulty in dealing with the inability to see their […]

Discuss the potential advantages of social performance management and electronic monitoring for performance management.

1.Identify the major parts and limitations of the traditional performance management process. Discuss the features of a continuous performance management process and why companies are adopting this approach. Discuss the six purposes of performance management. Identify the five criteria for effective performance management systems Discuss the five approaches to performance management, the specific techniques used […]

Compare and contrast the traditional and new models and explain the motivation / reasons for the emerging models.

Prepare a white paper  for the VP of Medical Affairs to share with the residency sites outlining the differences between the new reimbursement models and prior traditional models for stakeholders. In your response, include the following: Description of each model, such as capitated payments, fee-for-service, including new and emerging models being introduced to the industry, […]

Compare and contrast that with what types of recognition motivates you?

HR analytics discussion post Intrinsic and extrinsic recognition is important to engage employees and help them take ownership in the organization. Research what other organizations are doing and what types of recognition works. What are some non-traditional ways to recognize employees? Compare and contrast that with what types of recognition motivates you?

Describe the effect of the decisions at the individual system level as well as the impact throughout the organization.

Responding to post week 3 nr-534 Describe your organization as a closed or open system. Discuss how thinking differs between the two. Is there a difference in systems thinking in traditional healthcare versus complex adaptive systems? Part 2: With Your Group Systems thinking allows a more holistic perspective on decision making. Share examples of the […]

Provide a numerical example of special-order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations.

Q1 Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing. Explain how ABC is used in manufacturing by providing a numerical example. Q2 Provide a numerical example of special-order decisions and make or buy decisions and explain how these decisions are backed by quantitative and qualitative considerations.  

Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing.

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 15) Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the traditional costing systems and activity-based costing. Explain how ABC is used in manufacturing by providing a numerical example. (3 Marks) Q2. RCR has two support departments, X1 and X2, and two operating departments, Z1 and Z2. RCR has decided to use the direct method and allocate […]