Discuss 3 major themes of particular relevance to women that should be traced through the history of American women. Explain why these themes are invaluable for an understanding of women in American history.

You are a distinguished historian of American women. For that reason, a major publisher has asked you to supervise revision of its college-level U.S. history survey textbook which, as it now stands, has very little coverage of women. Summarize your recommendations of the necessary changes and additions. Your 8-10 page essay (report) should have three […]

Which marketing mix elements are commonly included when discussing events?

Assignment 1:The P’s of Event Marketing Thoroughly address all of the questions below, and submit your assignment as a written report,between 1500 – 1800 words, with a title page and a reference page. The title page and reference page are not included in the word count. 1. Which marketing mix elements are commonly included when […]

What are the advantages-possible disadvantages of this model? Describe how you might use this model for adults.

Task Groups Post your understanding of task groups as an intervention for children. Use the model for effective problem solving to compare and contrast (how to identify the problem, develop goals, collect data). How does this model differ from a traditional treatment group? What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of this model? Describe how […]

Explain how the above-mentioned experiences differ from “traditional” institutional discrimination of non-minority groups.

(assignment 1) and (public service case study), (these are two different assignments)1. Describe the lived experiences modern institutional discrimination for one of the ihree identified subgroups or any minority group.2. Explain how the above-mentioned experiences differ from “traditional” institutional discrimination of non-minority groups. 3. Explain the role of affirmative action in combating both modern and […]

What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?

Anthropologists are intensely interested in how families are organized. Although the nuclear family remains the cultural ideal for many Americans, other domestic arrangements now outnumber the “traditional” American household about five to one. What are some reasons for this? What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?  

How is Virtual Team Leadership different from a Traditional Team Leadership — give examples

• Discuss the composition of an effective Virtual Team?be specific with examples for your answer • Discuss the importance of communication and Training for Virtual Team Members • How is Virtual Team Leadership different from a Traditional Team Leadership — give examples

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Newer methods of marketing/communications and develop an integrated marketing communications plan utilising digital methods.

Learning outcomes Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Traditional and new digital marketing communications disciplines and the manner in which these are deployed, dependent on the brand and the target audiences. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Newer methods of marketing/communications and develop an integrated marketing communications plan utilising digital methods.

Discuss the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to be victimized.

Topic: Sexual Victimization and Socio-Psychological Factors Paper details: This written assignment requirement is for a paper submitted in APA format, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and attached to the link as a .doc or .docx file. Your assignment must include an introduction, body, and conclusion, and it is anticipated that a thorough examination of this topic […]

Why internal marketing has gained muchattention?Explain the concept of socially responsible marketing.

PART AINSTRUCTIONSPart A contains 2 (TWO)questions. Answer ALL.QUESTION: 1.a)Why internal marketing has gained muchattention?Marks: (10) b) Explain the concept of socially responsible marketing. Suggest FOUR strategies on how an organisation can engage with social responsibility marketing.Marks: (10)(TotalMarks:20)[Maximum 2pages] 2.a) Differentiate between market penetration and market development strategy. Provide an example for each of the strategies […]